Safari 1.2


Apple Avid
who else is pissed off with Safari 1.2?????? so i installed it, restarted, clicked on the icon in the window. hit command n a couple of times, still nothing. checked the "window" menu, and found all my windows listed. the preferences for highlighting links with tab are broken.

i think im going to use omniweb. whats up with this apple?!
spitty27 said:
who else is pissed off with Safari 1.2?????? so i installed it, restarted, clicked on the icon in the window. hit command n a couple of times, still nothing. checked the "window" menu, and found all my windows listed. the preferences for highlighting links with tab are broken.

i think im going to use omniweb. whats up with this apple?!

hmm sorry about that...i just removed the saft SIMBL plugin bundle and now the window opens on launch.... hehe ::angel::

hmm the tabbing links also works.... this still really sucks - i want my saft back!!!
Hmm... Sounds like a rant. I'm sure you know that Saft will probably be updated very soon, right?

However, I can only applaud you for trying OmniWeb. Version 5 beta 1 rocks. Well, it also crashes sometimes, as is normal with a beta, but it rocks none-the-less. :)
yeah sorry for the rant..i was being ignorant. so theres a new "download linked file as..." option and it pulls down a window asking where you want to save it - thats pretty cool. seems as if mine is broken?? i don't have any buttons to close ore show in finder in the downloads manager. should i fix permissions and restart? also - new mini buttons and menus - VERRRRRRRRy cool looking

EDIT: alright - well this really sucks...i fixed permissions and it still doesnt show the buttons. does anyone ahve any idea how to fix this? anyone else have this problem?

EDIT 2: ok well, so my brother downloaded safari off, and i grabbed his copy, and the download manager now works...moral of story: dont always trust software update!!!
Great Update!!! My last online banking login finally works!!! Great job Apple! Now all of my websites work with Safari.
Still no good at Will not remember my card number, cursor sputters over links, cannot retrieve credit card info. :mad:
thanks bobw!

btw: does anyone know where i could find the replacement progress bar img? i dont remember where i got it, but it would make the blue loading bar (URL bar) more aqua-ish.
