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  1. wtmcgee

    Camino gets new Safari styled bookmark manager...

    camino keeps getting better and better. i hope we see the continued improvement of camino... i think there is a place for both camino and safari on the mac.
  2. wtmcgee

    10.2.5 soon...

    you said there will be improvements to mail..... i hope this isn't that rumored 'metal' version of mail i've heard about.
  3. wtmcgee

    Any rumors on the next major upgrade cost?

    i really hope they do some sort of discounted upgrade. if they charged 129 for a full version, and something like 79 for an upgrade, i'd feel a lot better about getting 10.3 when it comes out.
  4. wtmcgee

    10.3 - whats included...

    a) i hope the metal interface thing is an option. i'm still partial to the aqua interface. if they made it a systemwide option i think everyone would be happy. b) the apple marketing machine is going to have to be working at full tilt if they expect people to pony up another $129 in masse...
  5. wtmcgee

    PowerBook 15.4", when? Can't wait...

    you may be waiting a little while, as others have said. i know you said the 12" is too small for what you want, but it really is a nice machine. you should go play with one at an apple store if you have one near you. but, since it is a rather pricey investment, if you really don't think...
  6. wtmcgee

    iPod & iTunes Rumours

    :D thanks for the info. hope to see it soon.
  7. wtmcgee

    Vlc 0.5.2

    still drops sound from time to time.... but a huge improvement in a lot of areas. i just hope that eventually, vlc doesn't need about every ounce of power my pc can dish out to play movies well. but, it's unmatched in the types of files it can play. :)
  8. wtmcgee

    Java 1.4.1 released

    i noticed on reboot that 1.3 and 1.4.1 were loading up. java is not my forte', so i have 2 questions; 1) is this supposed to happen? 2) if the answer is yes, why? is apple going to remove 1.3 at some point, or are both required, kind of like a 'classic' enviroment for older java apps? or is...
  9. wtmcgee

    Mozilla defends itself against Safari

    actually it's the 1.3RC1 trunk. thats why a lot of the UI widgets look all boxy like mozilla's.
  10. wtmcgee

    Mozilla defends itself against Safari

    it sounds lke they're trying to convince themselves they've made the best product out there..... i use camino ~90% of the time, but honestly, camino and safari render almost all pages equally, with safari having a slight edge in speed. i just think it's a bad idea to start a camino v...
  11. wtmcgee

    Chimera changing it's name

    right now i'm just wondeing if we'll ever see the newest version of chimera/camino/whatever.
  12. wtmcgee


    i feel so 31337. okay, maybe not. :D
  13. wtmcgee

    Most stable version of 10.2

    considering i've *never* had a crash or kernel panic in OS X... they all seem the same to me. although, 10.2.4 is faster than previous versions of 10.2.x IMO. if you're having *less* panics than another update, you may have some major issues with your machine. a kernel panic shouldn't be...
  14. wtmcgee

    2 missing fonts after clean install of jaguar...

    thank you very much, i really appreicate you going out of your way like that.
  15. wtmcgee

    2 missing fonts after clean install of jaguar...

    i recently did a clean install of jaguar, and after installing chimera, 2 of the default fonts it is asking for is missing. in the advanced font settings, chimera is asking for apple chancery as the default 'cursive' font. also, it's asking for gadget as the default 'fantasy' font. any...
  16. wtmcgee

    Thoughts on Tues releases?

    no laptop releases due to possible war? ...rrrrrrrrrrrright.
  17. wtmcgee

    10.2.5 when? lol

    well hopefully quark gets pushed out the door on "schedule" this summer.