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  1. H

    running scripts in terminal

    take a peek at your PATH environment variable. On the Sun, it includes '.' but the OSX one doesn't. If your using the std tcsh, do a 'env|more' to look. then a: set path = ($path .) followed by a rehash
  2. H

    Help in installing a command line utility.

    Ask one of your comp. sci prof's about how easy it is to do what you want. I would make an interesting senior project. gnuplot come from and you'd need the correct Perl module to interface the two. God knows if it runs on VMS. I can't imagine it would. The profile file is...
  3. H

    Graphing module for perl?

    check CPAN
  4. H

    Help in installing a command line utility.

    You can't use it. The FreeBSD binaries they offer are for Intel based machines, not PPC plus the fact that FreeBSD != Darwin You might want to check out Gnuplot or perhaps some other graphing s/w that has been ported to OSX or at least has source code available. PS. As the...
  5. H

    PHP-MySql-download question.

    why not dump the folder (or a symlink to it) in your ~/Sites directory. Others would be able to access it by: http://yourmachine/~youruserid
  6. H

    Ghostscript compiling problem

    certainly looks like the Makefile 'so' target is not correct. There is no -soname option for the compiler suite. You'd have to look closer (man dyld) and see what it needed. I'm not on an OSX machine rihgt now so I can't give you the answer.
  7. H

    does atd exist?

    cron is the daemon (not crond in the usual 'exception proves the rule' kinda way). I could be wrong but I've never seen that syntax for 'every ten minutes' and I wonder if there isn't something odd w/ that. Depends on the version and it's parsing ability I suppose. You might want to...
  8. H

    does atd exist?

    batch calls /usr/libexec/atrun which essentially calls the normal cron daemon (which must be running) Where are you getting the atd concept from? Also, are you trying to do this as a normal user or as root? did you setup the at.allow file and/or at.deny? Why bother using batch...
  9. H

    Question about "awk"

    explain why (@list) = ($ooga =~ /(\(*\w+\)*\d*)/g); doesn't accomplish your goal. I'm not sure what your trying to accomplish w/ that thing you came up w/. You're trying to do some non-greedy matching and some other stuff (I dont have my regex quickref w/ me) such as character...
  10. H

    perl help?

    I'm suprised it doesn't do what the book says because Perl is pretty flexible that way and usually does the right thing. I'm not on a Unix box now to prove/disprove it though. I'd probably do if (! defined $words{$name}) { $secretword = 'groucho'; } else { $secretword =...
  11. H

    compiling php libjpeg error

    from the PHP page: In order to read and write images in jpeg format, you will need to obtain and install jpeg-6b (available at, and then recompile GD to make use of jpeg-6b. You will also have to compile PHP with --with-jpeg-dir=/path/to/jpeg-6b...
  12. H

    Question about "awk"

    yes, in the foreach loop, I'm just printing out the numeric, not saving it. I gotta leave something for you to do :) of course, you could setup a hash array w/ the molecule as the key and the numeric as the value, such as: (pretend we're in the foreach now) $hash{$_} = $1...
  13. H

    Escaping carriage returns

    there ya go. I've spent 99+% of my computing life w/o messing w/ the hellhole of DOS Of course, on Solaris, there is 'dos2unix' and 'unix2dos' which does that for you ;)
  14. H

    Escaping carriage returns

    i didn't know that ;) but I've also never had a need to do it.
  15. H

    Escaping carriage returns

    I think you're wrong. If I enter anything on the command line and then a \, the shell goes into line continuation mode. It doesn't actually try to execute the the command until you give it a line w/ a real carriage return.
  16. H

    Question about "awk"

    You can say something like: chomp($_ = $ARGV[0]); which would take 1 command line argument while removing the implied newline. Teh man page for perl is quite complete or or or buy the 'Programming Perl' book (really!) (@list) = ($_ =~ /(\(*\w+\)*)/g); I can't...
  17. H

    Question about "awk"

    jeez, I'm such a moron sometimes. $_ = 'Mn(h2s)3h2so4(so)4'; (@list) = ($_ =~ /(\(*\w+\)*)/g); foreach (@list) { # if the element starts w/ a number # then effectively split it by putting # it on a new line. Otherwise just print. # You'll need to adjust this to taste if...
  18. H

    Escaping carriage returns

    \ make sure that the only character after the \ is the carriage return
  19. H

    Question about "awk"

    in perl (a superior language IMO) it'd be something like (I'm sure this could be optimized more but this is just off my head): $_ = '9+(8+9+(6+4))'; @list = split("", $_); foreach (@list) { if (/\(/) { print "$string\n"; $string = '('; next; } elsif (/\)/) {...
  20. H

    Why choose Mac instead of Linux?

    because I can all my real world work done on one machine w/o screwing around. I can have the Unix environment I want and must have AND true productivity apps that are compatible w/ the real world (unfortunately, that means MS Office, no substitute). OSX IS desktop Unix