PHP-MySql-download question.


Supervised Member of life
I've installed PHP and MySql from Entropy, in hopes of doing the following, and I don't know if that's what i need to do.

I want to be able to have a folder, (let's call the folder 'downloads') that I can dump a few files into, and have that reflected in a webpage making those files available for others to download.

Since i'm running the webserver on my G4, that would allow me to have an alias that i could just copy files to for others to get.

I installed MySql, and I think it is working fine, but that's as far as I know how to go. I'm not even sure how it works. I just heard i needed it installed. (yeah, I know, I'm behind times)

First: Is this even possible to someone who doesn't know much about PHP and databases.

Second: um...I can't think of a second.

thanks for the help.
All you have to do is put the downloads folder in your directory that you host the web page from (/library/webserver/documents is the default) and the create a webpage that lists the software available for download with links to the files. You could use php and mysql but why bother unless it is stuff that needs to be secured.
Actually what I want is a dynamically built page.

I have been just dumping a folder of images/MP3s in my webserver directory, but it just gave me an ugly generic webpage with no way of knowing how ofen stuf was downloaded.

I want to beable to "template" what is in the folder. Like, put everything into a nicely formatted table with CSS and make it look like all the rest of my site.

And I'd also like to be able to track what/who get's what and how many times. (I'm in Australia, and they charge for everything bandwidth/uploads/downloads/air)

I could hand code it, but this folder changes almost daily. sometimes I will drop a whole folder of images in there, and sometimes just one.

sorry I didn't mention this earlier.

I'm sure this is possible with PHP/MySql, but I don't know how, or how easy it wold be to learn or even copy and paste a script form
