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  1. M

    Circuit Analysis Software for X?

    There is a mac version of Matlab...
  2. M


    Add a vote for me too. I don't understand how i used my Mac without this program. I guess quite inefficiently...
  3. M

    About the X-Hack Contest

    Awesome addition to the site...looking forward to this!
  4. M

    Network SNAFU

    Are you sure that ever worked? Because it shouldn't...
  5. M

    Great anti-windows pro-mac article

    I don't believe i have ever seen that message. What does it look like (unless you mean a kernel panic?)
  6. M

    Great anti-windows pro-mac article

    I've read in several different places that a main objective of Tiger is to significantly decrease boot times.
  7. M

    Help! Noob switcher cant work MSN for mac!

    I second that. The official MSN client for Mac is absolute trash, just like the mac version of internet explorer. I have been using Adium for over a year now and it's by far (IMO) the best IM client out there since it is mutli-protocol, highly customizable, and constantly being worked on...
  8. M

    Your iPod Capacities....

    i have a 20GB 4th Gen and it's got about 9GB filled up with music. All my CD's are ripped at 192 AAC. I use the remaining space to backup documents and such to my iPod using Apple Backup 2, or to carry files that i need to print or something (it's formatted for NTFS so i can just plug it into...
  9. M

    gmail drive

    I use the script at the bottom of this thread to imitate gmail drive. If you are accustomed to leaving open, simply edit the script to not quit upon completing, and the entire process is completely transparent. All the instructions are included...
  10. M

    Opening Ports?

    I've always wondered this, but i know nothing about it, so i couldn't even really begin to speculate why (i'm sure it's something simple)...but why don't p2p programs use port 80? Like the iTMS. I know ports < 1024 are 'privileged' but does that mean that they simply cannot be used by 3rd...
  11. M

    Donation Drive

    I'm assuming this is in reference to my post, as i didn't read any others saying they simply didn't have money. I would have hoped you read the entire post (and following few), but either way this comment still kinda hurts. It saddens me how you throw the people who don't have money to...
  12. M

    Donation Drive

    I'm a mechanical engineering major, and because a lot of us don't opt to sell back our books at the end of each semester (we like to keep them as reference tools for the future) it is next to impossible to get cheaper, used text books like many other majors can get.
  13. M

    Donation Drive

    Grr. I have been spending my dad's money left and right so far this semester (text books alone cost me over $500, and my circuits teacher just informed me i have to purchase a circuits kit for $42 and a lab notebook for $20). I don't know what i'm going to tell my dad, i have $8 in my account...
  14. M

    What is this "Apple Logo with iBook Purchase"?

    ...yet it is still 1.16 million... haha
  15. M

    Hilarious review about Mac Mini from a PC User

    hahaha...very funny :) My favorite part of the satire:
  16. M

    MSN 5.0 Petition!

    Why don't you just use a different client? Like Adium X. I assure you, nobody cares about online petitions.
  17. M

    Flash plugin Slow in Safari ? Why?

    I have always noticed this, even flash games play noticeably slower in the Safari than in Firefox, Camino, etc...quite annoying.
  18. M

    Emac-Video gaming

    I'm not sure which video card you have, but you will definitely need more ram if you plan on playing any graphics intensive game. Consider at least another 256, it will make the OS feel faster too...
  19. M

    Who's Getting The New PB?

    Just out of curiosity, what will my powerbook not be able to take advantage of in Tiger? It's only got a 64 MB ATI 9000 in it.
  20. M

    iDisk Error= -39

    I didn't get an email but i am not surprised (I signed up at about 8:00 AM today)