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  1. beef

    [HOWTO] - Speed up DNS lookups in OSX

    well... what other changes did you make in netinfo? if you've done nothing other than the tip from this thread... then my guess is you got some typo... in that case, I'll just delete everything you changed and do it again... that's prolly easier than looking for one typo.
  2. beef

    Where can I sell my $h!tty PC?

    unless you need the cash to eat or something, don't bother selling your computer... a few hundred bucks doesn't get you anywhere... you can just keep the damn thing, and use it as a server... or experiment on it... if you actually need to sell this thing to pay for your new imac... then i...
  3. beef

    [HOWTO] - Speed up DNS lookups in OSX

    now, the easiest way is obviously using NetInfo... I dunno why you're stuck in single user mode. If you're stuck at "starting Directory Service" then you can wait about... dunno how long.... 10 mins? and it'll eventually give up. if you insist on doing it from single user mode...well, I...
  4. beef

    Audio CD Dockling!

    if I'm listening to a CD, I don't use my Mac
  5. beef


    I didn't bother to check everything, but I herad the VGA output is same as that of iBook... for mirroring and why VGA... that won't let you connect Apple's other LCD displays... I already have 17" LCD... why would I want to ditch that for 15" one? seriously.. if the damn thing had 17"...
  6. beef


    yea... that just sucks... that's just about the only reason I need NOT to buy one...
  7. beef

    I might have answer for everyone.

    just wondering when was the last time we saw that rainbow colored apple on Apple's new product? dunno if retro is good for computer... what's next beige?
  8. beef

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    ok, that might be cool... but how convenient is that, really? you need to attach an external lcd display and a keyboard, or something to enter data... I dunno how big your pocket is, but I doubt that they'd all fit in one pocket... and the idea of taking out all these things out of every...
  9. beef

    Spring (Winter) Cleaning re: Rumors

    I'm sorta with Gadgetlover on this one... it seems like most rumor sites are rather...full of shit...especially MOSR... I dunno why many of you waste time reading these... don't you all get enough bullshit in life? but it's just my opinion on rumors... I'm not really into speculation...
  10. beef

    Please help me!!! DHCP / OS X 10.1 problem

    as far as I remember, there was an update for "Installer" and maybe IE in between the security update and 10.1.1 if the installer isn't updated, you can't install the newer updates. now, I just woke up and my head hasn't come back down from where ever it goes while I sleep... so I only...
  11. beef

    Anybody coming in to chat?'re in a room? not that it really matters... but it sounds more like you're on AOL than on IRC..
  12. beef


    but doesn't Mail kinda suck? not really related... but...
  13. beef

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    there's an app to store addressbook thing in ipod (goes in as playlist or something, and shows info like name, address, phone number instead of song, band, etc). I forgot what it's called. but if you do search on iPod on versiontracker, you'd probably find it. well, eventually, I'm sure...
  14. beef

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    if you have a PDA, and an iPod... you'll see the difference in the screen size... the screen just isn't big enough to display useful amount of information at once. I wouldn't want to be going up and down all the time. I'll stick with my palm, even if my iPod started to function as a PDA...
  15. beef

    Drive icons on desktop...

    that will hide the SWAP from desktop, but if you open a window and go to "Computer" it's still there. If you want to hide the swap partition completely (of course, you can always go there in terminal, although I feel there really isn't a need to do so), you can use SetFile utility that came...
  16. beef

    Can the finder dock icon be made to open a different application?

    the first time I read about placing an equivalent for the old Apple menu and HD's in the dock, the guy who wrote the instruction insisted on having the 2 icons (one for apple menu, one for the disks) on the left side of the dock... I can't recall where the instruction was, but as far as I can...
  17. beef

    networking 2 macs with X for dummies

    why is it you are using 2 crossover again?
  18. beef

    Mac OS X PDF Guide Book

    I just can't stand the voices... is there any way to improve them?
  19. beef

    Can the finder dock icon be made to open a different application?

    I think what he meant was that he wants that Finder icon in the Dock to point to another application... so if he clicks on that Finder face icon, another app will open or come forward... and as for the answer... I have no idea. I ran Snax as Finder replacement sometime ago... and if I...
  20. beef

    editing the hosts file

    as far as I know, you should set "serves" to "../network" I have used ./local before, too. And it did work, until I've made other modifications. Setting other machines to ../network has never resulted in any errors (if things are messed up, there will be a huge delay at "starting directory...