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  1. evildan

    What are my options?

    I don't know if I agree to stay away from osx. I think a lot of designers (print) have had the ability to avoid taking the transition to OSX much longer then the rest of us. It's only going to hurt them when they finally do convert their machines to the OS. Of course every office is...
  2. evildan

    Why did Apple include IE5 with Panther?

    I too had to resort to IE... not 'cause I wanted, but because Safari died on me several times. Safari is back now, I ended up creating a new user and all my iApps came back to life!
  3. evildan

    Time magazine HORRIBLE typo!!!!

    It makes sense. Most UNIX machines were serving machines. There are more personal computers then there are servers in the world. Apple simply introduced the personal market to UNIX. Kind of like what they did for the personal computer in the 80's. :D
  4. evildan

    NeXT Advertisement

    Thanks for sharing... interesting... I had a copy of the NeXT OS somewhere, I should dig it up and install it on my old mac. ;)
  5. evildan

    Time magazine HORRIBLE typo!!!!

    kind of splitting hairs... not really a typo, more of an inaccurate statistic. If the article read "only 3% of the users are on a mackintoshe. Then that would be a typo. ;)
  6. evildan

    Why did Apple include IE5 with Panther?

    I don't blame them for including IE... that way you can test to make sure the trash can works. What else are you going to toss after a clean install?
  7. evildan

    To File Vault or to Not File Vault? 12" PB

    That whole file encryption thing kind of scares me. Maybe I'm old school, but in my day, when the laptops got stolen, you just lost your info and you had to deal with the ramifications. I don't keep sensitive information on my laptop. People are after my machine, not my info... For some, I am...
  8. evildan

    What are my options?

    Here's some thoughts in regards to what to buy. Photoshop It's a must for any graphical treatments in the magazine/print/web world. It gives you the ability to open and edit any mainstream graphic formatted file. Also, I've seen people do entire spreads in Photoshop. I wouldn't recommend...
  9. evildan

    It's Official: BigMac is #3

    It will be handy to have that link on file so I can send it to all my PC friends whom I've been having the speed debate. My position has always been, 'who cares, they are all getting fast.' but now I'll be able to just tell them Apple has done it. Be quiet. :)
  10. evildan

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    Wow where do I start? My initial Panther install went very well. I was quite happy with it until about a week into using it... then everything seemed to fall apart. Just about every "apple" component stated to flak out. iChat just stopped working... giving me an "internet" error every time I...
  11. evildan

    Samba multi share mount?

    I'm in an office environment where I have to connect to one machine (win2000 server) through samba. I need to be able to mount, or have access to about 6 of the shared drives on that machine... but currently, I have to re-authenticate every time because I am only allowed to use the pulldown menu...
  12. evildan

    triangle not centered!

    no problem, it's an easy mistake. The only reason I even found it was because I am a designer (among other things), so I'm constantly looking at centered text and images.
  13. evildan

    triangle not centered!

    Well, not to contradict what you've said, but that technically seems like the center of the icon. If you look at the icon from the left-most to the right-most pixel, it is indeed centered. Yes, according to the disk icon, it does look too far right, but if you consider the stethoscope, it...
  14. evildan

    SSH GUI Login?

    Well luckily someone noticed the machine was at the login window and did it manually. I was on to a solution though. I was going to use ssh to login to the machine and set auto-login then restart the machine... which would have worked out well. Oh well, problem somewhat solved... although I must...
  15. evildan

    SSH GUI Login?

    Here's a shot of the running PID's I'm assuming the item I've bolded is the login window. Is there a way to tell it to to fill out the user name / pass that I know will log in the GUI?
  16. evildan

    SSH GUI Login?

    So I was having problems with a server I admin. It's based in another state. The local IT guy has been messing with it and took off the auto login option, which I didn't realize until after I had restarted the machine remotely. Now, the machine is stuck at the GUI login screen and none of the...
  17. evildan

    low system memory warning

    Peg, As most here, I would suggest using Safari, you'll be using it eventually, as Microsoft has discontinued IE for OSX anyway. I also was a big Netscape fan, it was the better browser for a while there. You can still download it for OSX, but I find the fastest browser with the most...
  18. evildan

    low system memory warning

    bearpaw45, You can view how much space is on your hard drive by clicking on it's icon and getting info (command+i). You can tell how much memory is installed on your computer by checking the 'about this mac' under the apple menu. There's a clear distinction between both types of memory...
  19. evildan

    Ichatav - User Names

    evildan evildan3156 - AIM Madison, WI
  20. evildan

    Can't add events in iCal

    Okay after some experimentation I've found that I can actually add events, but ONLY by using the pulldown. And the real problem is that I cannot select other days with the mouse. So, in other words, in order to add an event for a week from now. I have to toggle to the day view and manually click...