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    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    Somewhat, yes. The windows releases are a little less frequent, and if you already own a previous version you only have to pay 99 instead of the 199... Apple should have the same Upgrade and Full Install versions... If you already bought 10.1 or 10.2 or should get 10.3 at a...
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    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    I'm not a mac user...YET... But this "pay us 130 bucks every 9 months for an upgrade" is...kindof sad.
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    The Sims: Mac=PC?

    Stridder, use the "edit" button next to the "quote" button to fix your typos. :)
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    The Sims: Mac=PC?

    That's cool. Why doesn't EA just make the games for both platforms?
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    The Sims: Mac=PC?

    I was just wondering if The Sims for Macintosh is basically the same as the PC version...seeing as it's not developed by EA.
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    PowerBook G4 12" Heat Problem

    It's the base model Powerbook. If you want that stuff, they want you to dish out the $3000. :)
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    Question to 12" Powerbook owners...

    Am i the only one that would go insane with a 12 inch screen? ...
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    Why don't PC users buy Macintosh?

    Sure, it's a monopoly, but if apple gave them OSX, who's going to sue them?
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    Why don't PC users buy Macintosh?

    Not if Apple and Microsoft agreed to it, it wouldn't be a monopoly? I mean, if apple gives microsoft/intel/someone OSX for PC, they can't turn around and say "You have a monopoly of the computer world". Well, they could, but it's kindof hipocritical.
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    Why don't PC users buy Macintosh?

    I have a feeling that OSX on a PC, (the PC not having the hardware that an Apple uses in their computers) would suck. But, maybe i am wrong. I dunno.
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    former mac user afraid

    People, what AlQuemist posted is not bashing. If there was any criticism in that post about anything, it was certainly constructive. Funny how people get so defensive-- A good debater can see both sides of the argument.
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    Dissapointed so far

    Oh, speaking of RAM, how the hell do you manually get RAM inside of the iMac? I can't begin to imagine how crowded that poor motherboard is..
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    Dissapointed so far

    I was thinking about that...Apple's RAM seemed to be expensive...but..(stupid question) is all ram compatible with macs?
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    Dissapointed so far

    I don't think i'm even considering the 15 inch. The screen is ..TOO small. $1799 is a reasonable price, and i like the widescreen.
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    Dissapointed so far

    Well, i really use my computer for internet and a FEW games. Things in my quicklaunch: IE, MSN, WMP (eww), Photoshop, All Office programs, Furcadia (a online game that i can still play with this comp if i get a mac..), RealPlayer, ICQ, SimCity3000, The Sims, AIM and a few other useless things...
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    Why don't PC users buy Macintosh?

    I personally dislike any other mac os besides OSX. The other versions weren't half of what OSX is... OSX revolutionized Apple, and it's growing on me.
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    Apple Can KISS MY ......!

    eMac Meaning: Education Mac. (I think i'm right about that.)
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    Still Mesmirized over OS X

    OSX is what made me start looking at macs. The old OS's.... they're terrible, in my opinion. Cheap, ugly and boring. Windows looks 2 times better than OS9...but windows can't compare to OSX.
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    Apple Can KISS MY ......!

    Well, from what i remember, a 17" iMac with a 800MHZ G4 (used to be the top-model)...i think it was $1800 or $1900. Now, it's $1800 (same price?) with a faster processer, Airport Extreme (although i dont even know what that is), and Bluetooth ready (what is this?) So, i don't really think you...
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    I'm a potential mac switcher, and was also considering snatching up a new video i have a question.. Can you import video from a Hi8 or Digital8 camera or does it HAVE to be MiniDV?