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  1. homer

    Apple Timetable!!!Guess work!!

    Any rationale for any of this "guess work"? I mean, other than MWNY for your PowerMac update?
  2. homer

    Jaguar 10.2 Build 6C48 Seed Info

    And it is presumed that all of the features on this list are not necessarily implemented in the current builds, correct? At any rate, that's a boatload of features. I can't wait! :D
  3. homer

    My Dillema

    I heartily agree. I've considered trying to upgrade my iMac, but by the time I'd be done buying a G3/G4 upgrade card etc., I'd be about halfway to a brand new machine. Why bother with the upgrade? Go whole hog! :D
  4. homer

    using crossover cable to link a powermac 7200/75 to a dell for internet connection

    Well, I have the reverse configuration (PC sharing Mac's connection), so I'm not sure if I'll be able to help too much. Anyway, I'll tell you what I've got going on, and maybe it'll help. PC and Mac are connected with crossover cable. Machines are assigned static IP addresses. Mac has...
  5. homer


    Holy cats. What do you do to it? ;) I've never ever replaced a keyboard. Four years and counting. . . .
  6. homer

    phone... ghz/mhz

    Well spake!:D
  7. homer

    my stance for macs.

    I agree with you. There is one flaw, however: You cite Flash as being bad software for Mac, and then you say that Mac has "way better" software. I know it's a little thing, but still. . . . :)
  8. homer

    Jaguar 10.2 Build 6C48 Seed Info

    Holy Sweetness! SMB file sharing was one of my biggest desires for Jag-wire. This is great news. :D
  9. homer

    Chimera hits 0.28

    I agree with you on the speed, but stability is another matter. Chimera's the only browser that's crashed on me anytime recently, just a little while ago, actually. :rolleyes:
  10. homer

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    I've only lived in a university town for two years. Is it the case in places other than Madison, WI, that everyone and his dog's lease ends on the 14th of August, and new leases begin on the 15th, such that about 30,000 people in town are living in the gutter for a day or so? I find it SO...
  11. homer

    Congrats to Nummi

    Hey hey hey, there's only one member of this board who has a "butt face" thread devoted to him. ;) :p
  12. homer

    Chimera hits 0.28

    If you go to the Chimera site, he says they released it because of all the rumors floating around. It's anyone's guess. . . .
  13. homer

    samba: mounting my XP disc on my mac and visa versa

    That is EXACTLY the problem I had before with SMBBrowse, which appeared to be fixed when I got 0.9.2., and IIRC nothing in my configuration was different. When it works correctly, you should just be able to expand the list downward without entering anything. dixonbm, any ideas?
  14. homer

    How do I prevent OSX asking me if I want to replace a file EVERY TIME?

    If you aren't afraid of the command line, visit this thread for some instructions. Good luck, and don't erase everything in your home directory! ;)