

The Mac Duck
keyboard is taking ages. space and command don't work unless i whack them and shift doesn't work either.

Have you spilled anything on the keyboard, or dropped anything in there?

My parrot took a crap on my spacebar, and the poop must have corroded the electrical contacts in there... the spacebar stopped working right then and there, and no amount of cleaning would fix it.
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
It took a crap on my spacebar, and the poop must have corroded the electrical contacts in there... the spacebar stopped working right then and there, and no amount of cleaning would fix it.


NO no NO! sometimes the keyboard works and sometimes it doesn't now the space bars froen hang on so has the sed, i can't type the letter. it kind of free (sed) es. sorry if u can't understand. only the left shift works.

what the hell is going on????
Okay, nice deep breaths. Relax. You're making no sense. ;) That's a joke. Pretend like it's funny and we'll get along just fine. :)

Have you tried cleaning the keyboard? Not just the top of the keys, but taking apart the keyboard and cleaning any electrical contacts? Are you comfortable with this kind of thing?
I clean my KB once every six months. it does the KB good.
I would suggest replacing it. Nothing like the feel of a brand new keyboard and mouse:D
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Have you spilled anything on the keyboard, or dropped anything in there?

My parrot took a crap on my spacebar, and the poop must have corroded the electrical contacts in there... the spacebar stopped working right then and there, and no amount of cleaning would fix it.

TMI (too much information)! :D
this whole post has been written in keykaps as the whole keyboard has comletely broken, please this is not a joke i need help urgently plz how do u clean the keyboard help this is urgent

first try unplugging the keyboard and plug it back in into a different port, see if that does anything...

The keyboard might be worn out, as I go through keyboards at least one a year (this one already needing to be replaced).

What you may want to try is, first either take a picture (digital cam?) of your keyboard - or write down what key goes where (I don't know if there's a picture of the keytops anywhere online) to use as reference.

Before I go any further, I have NOT done this to the Apple Keyboard (but i have to a MS Keyboard) and I do not take responsibility of any damage to your keyboard (uh, worse than it is already?)...

Using a small flat-blade screwdriver lined in tissue as to not damage the keys, simply pry a couple of keys off from the bottom up - you might be able to remove the rest of them by hand after you remove the first one.

Compressed air would be great to get a lot of the gunk off, or a damp (not wet!!!) towel.

There are also some hex screws (?) on the bottom side of the keyboard, you may try removing those to get to the keyboard's innards to clean too (again I've never done this).

I strongly recommend just replacing the keyboard, they are not TOO expensive and I'm sure you'll be happier with a new one than you'll ever be with the one you have now, even if you can get it to work again (it'll still be stiff, have a "worn" feeling to keys, etc.)

I need to replace both my Mac's and PC's keyboards (both USB). :p
Originally posted by Tormente

The keyboard might be worn out, as I go through keyboards at least one a year (this one already needing to be replaced).

Holy cats. What do you do to it? ;) I've never ever replaced a keyboard. Four years and counting. . . .
Originally posted by homer

Holy cats. What do you do to it? ;) I've never ever replaced a keyboard. Four years and counting. . . .

Yeah, amazing, huh? :)

Between Gaming and Typing it's amazing I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. On my Apple “Pro” keyboard, the space bar as well as Control and Shift on the right side are so worn out I can’t press them down every time (yeah so I don’t type “properly” as I use ONLY the right-side mod-keys for just about everything except cut ‘n paste! And It’s too much of a habit to change now! lol) , I tried popping them off and cleaning but didn’t remedy the problem.

Same with my MS Natural Keyboard – except I’ve had that one for 2 years or more so you can imagine how bad that one is, the only reason it’s survived this long is because I bought my Mac a year ago and it’s keyboard has been getting the abuse that the MS keyboard was getting! heh ;)

Don't even ask about my GOOD Optical mouse that costed me $50 a little over a year ago, the right button is so worn out that I finally gave up and used a $15 mouse cuz I was getting my butt kicked in Diablo II and UT! Sure the 15$ mouse is giving me resolution (slowness) problems and it's not as accurate, but at least I can fire back and run for cover! Instead of being gunned-down while running away like a chicken! :D

Now if I can find a keyboard and a mouse with LIFETIME no questions asked warrantee I’ll be set! :D