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  1. H

    Aperture Review

  2. H

    Another Switcher...Macbook or Macbook Pro?

    The Mac Book has shared memory for the video, kind of a let down when the old I Books had a 32mg video card. If you plan on doing Photo Shop ect ect then go for the Pro.
  3. H

    Mac OS X 10.4.7 released.

    I did the delta update now my MBP does not want to remember my WAP setting for Airprort card, I Might try repairing permissions and set it up again and see if that does it. Anyone have any good ideas wat is going on. I have saved my setting and locked network and when I turn my machine back on...
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    Please don't call it a Macintosh

    I have been a Mac user for less that a year! I have all ways heard it is the OS that makes the experience better it does not crash. The OS does run smoother than Windows I agree. Also I have to agree with Fryke the style and key boards too. It was not the hardware that was causing the...
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    What do Macheads read?

    Vince Flynn Consent to Kill
  6. H

    Do Mac users support GW Bush?

    A typical lib response just cause not everyone leans left you insult us by saying we can not be as smart as you libs, I have said my piece on not seeing eye to eye with your view. But not once did I call anyone stupid. Reed if you are living in Paris and are from New York you sure has a...
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    Do Mac users support GW Bush?

    Reed Typical French superior to everyone else statement, next time France finds it self in troub in trouble don't call us like ww1 and 2
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    Do Mac users support GW Bush?

    France sells the nuke reactors to Iraq and you have riots all over your county Started by a bunch of immigrants in France. Who say they want to be citizens of France. What does Jock do nothing but let them riot. Then in typical French snobbery you shoot down Bush you should start with you own...
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    Mac Pro discussion thread

    pci x 16 is the how they mother board manufactures list the video slot standard, most people just say pci x so if anyone miss understood the video format I was talking about sorry any confusion I may have caused.
  10. H picture association thread

    Someone please kill this thread
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    Do Mac users support GW Bush?

    yes I support President Bush and I did vote for him both times. and bbloke it not Bush Jr. Yes alot of american do not like coments form people outside the us when they take a poke at us or our President, somw time that includes me, and other times depending the comments I just tell myself they...
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    Mac Pro discussion thread

    PCI X is the new main steam for video the for new 3 or 4 years just us a standard PCI X slot on the pro make it easy for people to keep the video up to date.
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    Good News for Apple Employees in USA

    No country likes to loose jobs LT Major Burns, as M Class Mercedes. We are building alot of Japan cars here in the USA with not issues like you complain about. So get off the OUR ASS, Alot of good people have lost there live so we have the right to say what we want when we want to. I bet you...
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    Do Mac users support GW Bush?

    Hell yes
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    Are you a 'geek' or a 'creative' mac user

    Has to be geek for me!
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    I am making a prediction

    The mark of the beast is 666 not 2006-06-06 or 6-6-2006 as we write it on this side of the pond. So what is the big deal!
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    What's YOUR age?

    Real age 54 been using Mac for just under a year. I book and Mac Book Pro.
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    What Company Should Apple Buy Next?

    No it was not lost on me I am just looking it as real life and who Apple could really buy out. I hope that we all know that buying Microsoft was a joke and wishful thinking.
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    Wireless router/cable modem

    Linksys also makes a router modem all in one option, Most of the new modem are docis 2 compatable and will do the old 1.1 docis also. You should not have any issues with the Mortrola or Linksys with your high speed conection and your mac. Only issue I know of Mac and Linksys do not do wep...
  20. H

    What Company Should Apple Buy Next?

    First you got to have the money to by Microsoft and Apple does not have that kind of Cash, but it is nice to dream!