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  1. T

    MS Office: Set the default view size of documents?

    Whenever I open a document in MS Office, it is viewed at 75% which is too small to read. I've searched the preferences but cannot find a way to make Office open documents up at say 125%. Anyone know of a way to do this?
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    Well... it's the 28th :D

    I'm trying to get registered with the Music Store and it keeps telling to try later. Anyone else having luck?
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    Something New In 10.2.5??

    It sounds like your Mac thinks the mouse is holding down a button. Have you tried un-plugging your mouse and plugging it back in?
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    Favorite Old School game

    Oregon Trail. That was best game ever, hands down! :)
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    "Piles" in 10.3????

    so a pile basically acts like a folder? I really like that...great idea!
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    Protecting with a password?

    My roommate's tend to use my Mac when I'm not around which isn't a problem at all. However, the one thing I'd like to keep private from them is my email. Is there a way to password protect so my roommates can't just open it up and start reading? I know I can make another 'User' in...
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    Why JPG files on a Zip Disk won't work in Windows...

    Actually it's a question. I went to Kinko's earlier today to print out some large digital photographs which I had burned onto a CD-ROM. Like an idiot, I lose the CD. I went back to Kinko's tonight because I had to print out a couple more and I just copied the photos onto a Zip Disk instead...
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    What's your favorite band and albums?

    My favorite bands include: Tea Leaf Green Keller Williams Jack Johnson Ben Harper Dave Matthews Band String Cheese Incident Sound Garden Primus
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    Can't connect to a certain site in Safari

    Thanks bob, that's perfect!
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    Can't connect to a certain site in Safari

    Hi guys, I'm having a little crisis here. I do a lot of shopping (and dreaming) at this site Problem is, I can't connect to it through Safair v64. However, I can connect to it using IE or Mozilla. What's the deal with this? Other people using Safari can connect to it, as...
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    We Need Your Vote!

    Name your band "Free Beer" that way, whenever a bar says they're having Free Beer the place will be packed for your show. Ehh....
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    My resignation

    I appreciate the kind words, guys. It really has been a lot of fun and I wish I could've done more to help, but I'm just on the push to get out of school right now and I'm sure you both know better than I how busy life can get. I'll definately try to hang around keep in touch, good luck!
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    Jason's Daily Pic Thread! (Big pictures - not 56k modem friendly)

    I guess I meant, as opposed to using a film camera and scanning the photos in. ;) The I asked was just because those pictures are so good compared to my PowerShot S100, but it's only 2 megapixels so that probably explains it.
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    Jason's Daily Pic Thread! (Big pictures - not 56k modem friendly)

    Are you guys using digital cameras to get these shots or what?
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    My resignation

    I'm so sorry about this guys, but I just don't have the time anymore. Between classes, work and the lady I just don't have the amount of free-time I would like in order to stay active on this site. It's not like I really did much anyways, but this shouldn't be a big deal but more of a...
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    Announcing fantasy baseball 2003

    Ahh okay. It was me. :rolleyes: Thanks Ed, I'm in!
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    Announcing fantasy baseball 2003

    This is ridicules, I can't figure out how to join the league.... I've registered and I'm at the main page. It tells me that I'm in any leagues and I have the option to 'Edit' So I click Edit and it brings me to this page where I can't do...
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    Camino is moving along!

    I still use Camino....
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    yassir! I'll sign up tonight!
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    iTunes won't play!

    Have you tried restarting your computer? That has happened to me before with iTunes and I think simply restarting fixed it. Not sure about your attach file problem .. what version of safari are you using? (oh 0.67 ... i don't have that so someone else will have to check that out for ya)