Favorite Old School game


Back to Mac Baby!
I'd have to say it's Beyond Dark Castle... Best game ever...

What's your favorite?
I love old games! Every now and then I'm getting legacy hardware and software to get back the gaming feel of those days. 2 years ago I bought myself an Atari 2600 which I found at a flea market. I recently found a copy of Dune II (yes, it's a DOS game, but that's what we have Virtual PC for) and Command & Conquer on eBay which I couldn't resist. I loved the Lemmings series. Anyone remember "Ski or die"? That was big fun and they had snowboarding as a contest discipline well before the snowboard hype of the 90's. The Marathon series is definitely one of my not so old favourites. I have fond memories of late night Marathon death matches on the school network (I helped out with the administration of the Macs there so I had a key, invited some friends, got beer and chips and was lucky that I was never caught...I'd probably have been throw out of the school if certain teachers found out about this and my other network activities (I "hacked" my way to the grade database etc.):) ).
I also have some vague memories of my friend's Commodore 128 and the games we used to play on that computer. Don't ask me for names though, it's been too long.
I've only had a computer - which fortunately was a Mac, a Centris 610 to be precise - at home since about 1993, so most of my favourite old school games are DOS or Commodore games. I can't decide on an all-time-favourite though, there's been too many games I got addicted to ;)
Oh, you meant "old school" games. NOT "old" "school" games. I was going to vote for dodge ball and my personal favorite, "see who can run into the girls yard the furthest without getting busted by the teachers or tripped by a bunch of girls".

I miss "Crush, Crumble, and Chomp", "GridRunner" and it's followup "Attack of the Mutant Camels" and old ascii based Star Trek games.
Galactic Empire: a text-based game found only on the local BBS in 1986. Acquire Mining planets, agricultural planets, and military manufacturing planets (I think), get a big enough empire, put your empire on the stock market, get richer, buy more powerful weapons, form aliances, divide and conquer.
Originally posted by themacko
Oregon Trail. That was best game ever, hands down! :)

Number Munchers. And all those fantastic Mac learning games i used to use in elementary school. Also they had to be on a green and black screen.
oregon trail one was tight, but lode runner ( commodore 64 ) was probably te best game ever.