Search results

  1. Torz

    10.1 imac install disk onto a powerbook?

    only one way to find out buddy ;)
  2. Torz

    Does anyone know about the differences between the Win iPod and the Mac iPod?

    Theres iTunes3??? shit, did not know that :D
  3. Torz

    Downloading problem

    What do you mean by "stop"? I often get "completed" when it is not even completed but sounds like your problem is different...
  4. Torz

    What do YOU use Mac OS X for?

    Study - Homework / WebDesign/ Design Work/ Studying Java oh and occassional porn? Thats about it lol. Torz
  5. Torz

    Did you switch from PC to Mac?

    I switched from M$ Win ME to OS X early last year. Before that, I've never been interested in Mac, I was really interested in RedHat back then... still am actually ;) Before I switched to OS X, I've only *played* on Mac OS9 at school. To tell the absoloute truth, I wasn't planning to by my...
  6. Torz

    basic graphics app

    Androo52 > You're a legend:) but I don't think I need your service now since I've got it all sussed. Thanks anyway though. Alan B Dahl > Sounds like a damn good proggie to me! Ed > Can't agree anymore lol
  7. Torz

    OS X Performance

    Hey, I own a iBook G3 500MHz, 192MB RAM, 10GB HDD and it runs OS X ver 10.1.5 very nicely :) can't wait till Jaguar. As for the Photoshop, I just recently installed it for my design work and it runs surprisingly well. Well better than I expected ;). I think you should buy the G3 500MHz, 64MB...
  8. Torz

    basic graphics app

    You are a legend rinse. I've never thought about using Grab :D Very good idea indeed. Thanks a lot Torz
  9. Torz

    basic graphics app

    Hey do you guys know any really basic graphics software? All I'm going to use it for is making a very simple title for my homepage. So effectively all I need is a graphics app that I can insert alphabetical characters. I've tried GraphicsConverter, I like it but in terms of quality of the font...
  10. Torz

    OS X + XP: Who will really win?

    Yeah, no matter what we say theres too many M$ Windows users out there... but in my opinion quality is more important than popularity :) Torz
  11. Torz


    voice > nice, I'll download it and check it out. Thanks for the info, much apreciated. Or I could of just read the post above lol. Torz
  12. Torz

    Why choose Mac instead of Linux?

    Same reason as everyone above + bit more. Also, you gotta love the aqua interface :D Torz
  13. Torz

    WebDAV // Goliath // iTools

    thanx a lot dude. Yeah seems like things go well if I connect to the iDisk using - Finder >> go >> connect to server >> afp:// I still would like to know how to use goliath though :) Torz
  14. Torz

    WebDAV // Goliath // iTools

    Okay people, I need some help here. I'm trying to upload my files or should i say use iTools by using a program called Goliath. Question is... what the hell am I meant to type in the "URL". tried and but no luck. If you know what I'm talking...
  15. Torz


    I had the exact same problem buddy (well i wanted to find a app that can play divx files). But the thing is I gaved up on searching for a app that can play .avi files and also search on codecs. I"ve tried various DivX codecs, all of them were hopeless, even the codec or...
  16. Torz

    What do YOU use Mac OS X for?

    Yeah, *everything* sounds about right ;) Mostly I use my iBook for study purposes though, at the moment I'm working on Java2... soooo hard :(
  17. Torz


    grrrr, got this messege - Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occured (Error code -38). It's not on is it
  18. Torz


    Hey, I think I got it. I think you just use the iDisk
  19. Torz


    Hey, I've noticed how some people has their homepage on "". Guessing thats done through iTools but how do you upload the files? I've tried looking for places to upload on the iTools website but no luck... So I'm guessing that it must be done through FTP. So my question is...
  20. Torz

    HELP - How do you change directory (cd) to the CD-ROM drive using Terminal?

    Thanks a lot guys, the problem was quite simple... I used {name of cd} instead of [name of cd] and it all worked out fine :) Ciao Torz