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  1. E

    Itunes music store streaming The AOL broadband services don't work on the Mac but you can connect through them. If you have your modem drivers and the AOL software and the dial up info, it'll work, they just dont support it. I am with BT and it was the same story with them...
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    Suggestions for iPod car dock?

    The below link may be of interest. It is a ipod car kit that connects your ipod direct through your cd changer port and comes complete with a mounting dock and charges your ipod on the go...
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    Menu bar crashes!

    I had this problem after the 10.35 update....Strange thing is that I had the thingy checked and it was actually a firewall issue on our server stopping it from connecting to a time server on the outside. The only way i could get round it was to uncheck the auto time.........
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    Menu Bar help needed

    I think you can remove it manually if you hold down the command key then click and drag the icon off of the menu bar.....
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    iPod problems

    Have you tried resetting your ipod? If the problem persits after trying this you probably need to get it fixed.....
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    Networking issues

    According to the below link you can/should be able to duplicate the Airport. Maybe something is wrong with your mac..... "Adding a network port configuration. A configuration is a group of settings for a specific network port (a...
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    Quark 4.1 Graphic design related question

    If your image has got a white border I would have thought the easiest way to get rid of it is to crop the image using the crop tool so it hasn't got the border on. This should be possible in elements.
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    strange scrolling anti alias screen

    Sounds like the zoom is turned on. Go to system preferences then the universal access icon and click on the "turn off zoom" button in the seeing tab. This should resolve it :D
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    Help with games.

    I was pointing you to the apple updates. I think drawsprocket has something to do within the installation of the game itself not the OS(I may be wrong)? Have you updated to the latest patch of the games and ran the 10.28 combo updater?
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    Help with games.

    There is a downloads and updates section on the link I gave. If you want the 10.28 Update just click on it and it will take you to the download. If you want an update for Panther(10.3) go back to the main support page and select Panther in the pull down tab. Apple's site should be really easy to...
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    Help with games.

    Here, Found on Apples site via the support tab :D
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    iTMS UK, Browser problems.

    Download and install 4.6 if you haven't, it should be ok after that. It was the same for me using 4.5
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    UK iTunes Music store IS NOW LIVE When you create an account you can select which country you are in then everything shows up in £££'s.
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    Silly iTunes question...

    Did you try looking in the preferences under the general tab in iTunes. I'm pretty sure it's a check box in their. :D
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    No "droppable" aliases for Firewire drives?

    I have a firewire drive here running 10.3.4 and I have alias's on my desktop that link to my firewire drive without problems. Have you repaired disk permisions using disk utility for the firewire drive?...this may fix the problem. Also do a get info and see if the alias's that aren't working are...
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    [FROM 2003:] What's the deal with USB 2.0?

    Apple is including USB 2 on the latest iMac's not sure about the rest of the product range though.... :D
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    Passwords on OSX

    Porteus, have you tried looking in the Keychain First Aid options under the expert tab. If not then make sure to tick the "Set login keychain as default" and "Change login keychain settings(keychain will always remain unlocked)". This is what I did and I now never get asked for passwords from...
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    Passwords on OSX

    You should be able to delete an administrator account if the account you are deleting it from has administrator privilages because I did when I had the same problem.
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    Passwords on OSX

    BTW I have already reinstalled OSX after the initial install in order to change my admin short name - this seemed to be the only way to do this? You could have created a new user with the short name you prefered then delete the suspect user account. Would take 5 mins to set up compared to a...
  20. E

    10.4 Features!

    Panther can close windows from the dock. Right-click or crtr click and have a go..... Not sure about minimize in place though.