Search results

  1. N

    Can someone explain what all the different DVD media means?

    Well I'm actually not sure what the differences are, but what happened is the some of the manufacturers supported one standard, and other decided to support the other standard. I know that isn't very clear, but that is the best that I can do. :) Your 107D drive is capable of supporting...
  2. N

    Can someone explain what all the different DVD media means?

    DVD+R and DVD-R are only writable once. DVD-RW and DVD+RW and the re-writable ones. It should say one the media (in your case) either DVD+R or DVD+RW (re-writable). What type of setup do you have? Computer and burner wise?
  3. N

    Wanting a new graphics card...

    They don't make a 9600 for the g4's, only for the g5. There really isn't much performance difference between the 8500 and the 9000, so I wouldn't spend your money on that card either. Which really only leaves you two choices, the 9800 pro or a GeForce4 Ti (available through apple). Out of...
  4. N

    FS: 3rd gen 10GB iPod for a great price!

    Never mind......misread :)
  5. N

    Constant panics

    95 is in celcius, if it wasn't my machine (and a lot of other peoples) would have burnt up along time ago. :) I have a MDD dual 1 GHz machine, that I converted using the verax fan kits. Before the installation my machine would hover in the 54+ celcius range, and after the kit it is usually in...
  6. N

    OSX.x isn't that good (?) - vm, cache etc...

    2 gig left on the hard drive, isn't enough space for virtual memory. I would say the absolute minimum would be 5 or 6 gig. I have easily seen over 6 gig of swapfiles on my desktop, which has 2 gig of ram in it. And yes Apple ships it with 512 mb of ram, and in my opinion I wish they would put...
  7. N

    Looking for a good light IDE...

    In your .vimrc file add the following two lines. (found these on the net) set makeprg=javac\ % set errorformat=%A%f:%l:\ %m,%-Z%p^,%-C%.%# Now if you plan on using vim for other type of programming, like c or cpp, where you can use :make inside of vim I suggest the following: au...
  8. N

    What? Repair Permissions again?

    Well I know that from my own experience I'm a little 'retentive' about making sure everything is working properly whether their is something there is something wrong or not. Of course part of that is because I've always been interested in what makes things work, especially in a *nix os. I...
  9. N

    OSX.x isn't that good (?) - vm, cache etc...

    Two of those programs that you mentioned (Photoshop and Indesign) also have their own form of virtual memory. They are both very memory intensive programs. Doing the things that you mentioned, the OS is probably paging in/out a lot of data to the swapfiles, which are handled properly by the...
  10. N

    panther crashing too much lately

    OS X needs quite a bit of space for vm, which is your swapfile(s). It starts out allocating 64mb of space automatically, then (on my machine at least), does another 64 mb, then 128 mb, then jumps up to either 512 mb or 1 gig, and does 1 gig chunks from there. I've seen well over 5 gigs in...
  11. N

    Pioneer A07 (aka 107D) DVD burner and 10.3.3

    On there have been people reporting that certain 107d drives are showing up as DVD RW (not supported???) instead of DVD-RW. What and why no one is certain as of yet. Someone there reported having success...
  12. N

    Panther and C80

    I would say the panther drivers are probably newer, if the epson ones say v10.1.3 - 10.2.1. I'd stick with the panther ones, if it works fine I wouldn't worry about it.
  13. N

    Constant panics

    ElDiabloConCaca he did mention RAM.....pretty perplexing problem.
  14. N

    Safari and - auto login problem

    deleting the cookie seemed to do the bit.....thanks :)
  15. N

    Safari and - auto login problem

    Ok, I've had a problem that has been bothering me for a while. I can't remember exactly when it started, but for some reason Safari will no longer allow me to auto-log into this awesome site. I have the box checked to 'remember me', but for some reason it doesn't work. I've deleted the...
  16. N

    Looking for a good light IDE...

    Well I have to put my vote in for VIM!!!! (command line version) :) It can seem a little hard to learn at fist, but once you master the basics, you can do some very amazing editing!!!!!!!
  17. N

    iMac G5 (mod)

    Very awesome, he must have a lot more patience than me. :) Hope he updates the pics when he gets it back from the paint shop.
  18. N

    Cheapest Graphics Card

    Some of those cards you looked at on E-Bay are flashed cards, meaning they were PC graphics cards that someone 'flashed' with a mac rom. I personally would stay away from those cards.
  19. N

    What? Repair Permissions again?

    The only disk that you need to repair permissions on is the disk with OS X on it. You can do this directly from disk utility while started up from OS X, no need to reboot from a cd. I've never seen a need to restart my system after repairing permissions, and I wouldn't see a reason why you...
  20. N

    Cheapest Graphics Card

    Ya....guess I missed that one. :)