Search results

  1. Paragon

    Buy now or wait?

    Well that depends on who's buying. :D Seriously though. Has Apple always introduced a new PowerMac line with the same (almost) prices as the ones before them? So that I can get the new dual 1,4 GHz for $2999. Sweeetttt...:p
  2. Paragon

    Mac OS X on Palm III

    ...definitely. I saw the pictures he posted with the HD on the bask and all. He tried to convinced some people on spymac, and they fell for it (sort of). Very funny though...:D
  3. Paragon

    Buy now or wait?

    I'm looking to buy a Power Mac but I was wondering if I should wait until MWNY is over? Do you think that there will be a new line-up of the Power Mac? If so wouldn't the now available Power Mac's by a lot cheaper?
  4. Paragon

    Great reffing (:rolleyes:) in Germany-USA (1-0)

    kemistry: I agree with you that it was not over the line, but I definitely think that there should have been a penalty for the handball and a red card. It's a though decision though and the ref. was in a bad position and so was the lineref. This is one of those instances where they should be...
  5. Paragon

    IQ test

    I think the test is okay, but one flaw is that it's not a timed test. You can take all the time you need. In other IQ test's I've taken you are allowed a certain amount of time to answer the question's.
  6. Paragon

    S.www.....i..tttt...cccc.hhh.... too, she's kind of cute. That alone should be able to convert a few peecee user's. :D
  7. Paragon

    Has any tried or heard anything about this place? I'm looking to use this service soon, so if anyone has any info on this site I would appreciate it.
  8. Paragon

    South Korea 2 - 1 Italy

    I saw the game too and I found only a couple of times where I thought the referee was a bit biased. I'm not saying it's okay, but I do understand the amount of pressure a referee is under when he's got a game between a home team and an away team. I've even heard a couple of referee's mention...
  9. Paragon

    What is your AIM screenname?

    Mine is MNGade...I don't use it much though.
  10. Paragon


    Have you tried other sites to test your connection. I get 1441 KBits/s when usually I'm around 2000 on other sites. There is also a hack to OS X to speed up your broadband connection. You can find it somewhere on this site, it involves some terminal commands so if your not that hot on that there...
  11. Paragon

    Monitor question

    Now I'm in the proces of buying a monitor for my PowerMac. I was wondering what kind of monitor to get, one with ADC or one without. What are the advantages of the ADC? I would really appreciate your input.
  12. Paragon

    Anyone getting emails anymore?

    me neither...
  13. Paragon

    Press3 Reviews

    Reading this thread really makes me sad. I've been a member of this site for some time now. Although I haven't posted as much as the most of you I read almost every thread, posting only when I felt the need to. This is one of those times. The reason that reading this thread makes sad is that...
  14. Paragon

    Fake OS-pictures

    HAHAHA...very nice ksv. I can't believe some of them bought it. This one guy..."I'm confused" :D :D
  15. Paragon

    Always - on internet security

    Is there somewhere I can see what all this means. I mean all the "code" and stuff?
  16. Paragon

    Always - on internet security

    I tried to open the system.log and i found a bunch of info. What am I looking for...could you be a little more specific? I have lines that look like this: Jun 15 23:06:48 localhost mach_kernel: ipfw: 1200 Deny P:2 in via en0 this someone trying to hack me?
  17. Paragon word association!

  18. Paragon

    Question - Answer

    I was giving an answer to Valrus' question. I just wasn't sure if it was correct.
  19. Paragon

    Question - Answer

    aleph-null or aleph-nought?
  20. Paragon

    details details details

    now I don't have a PowerMac myself but afaik there is a pinhole just behind the faceplate...atleast that's what I've heard from the guy's here.