Search results

  1. M

    Post Election - Chaos?

    I believe Mr fryke was joking...
  2. M

    Argggg!!!! CSS and Centering

    #divName { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }
  3. M

    Why does this page display wrong?

    or validating it
  4. M

    dreamweaver behaviors

    could this be used/adapted?
  5. M

    Most used Apps

    changes Safari > OmniWeb Hyper edit > Smultron Fetch > Transmit New Pulp fiction (rss)
  6. M

    Looking to learn advanced HTML/CSS

    Dan Cederholm's book is a great one to get with the Zeldman book
  7. M

    Would you buy an apple branded PDA ?

    I've already got 2.
  8. M

    Your geek treasures...

    a Newt 2000 and eMate, just saw that they've done wifi drivers for the linksys cards I've got with 128bit WEP which is cool. Got a NextStation, with a full (intel, next and a few others) copy of the OS, might be interesting to see if I could install it on an x86 but I dont have one.
  9. M

    Can someone explain to me why a PB from Ireland to the UK.....

    all stuff from the UK store ships from Holland, I guess it's cheaper (storage) but still pretty quick.
  10. M

    How long does it take for the iPod to ship

    I got mine in a few days, took longer for the empty box to return it in to be delivered, damn busted dock connector
  11. M

    how much did u save on refurbished deals?

    I got my PowerBook G4 for £1300, 35% (£450) off, it's fine not a single thing wrong with it as far as I can tell. It even had a single 512MB RAM chip rather than 2 X 256 :D
  12. M

    GoLiveCS problem - Flash nav. in HTML pages

    you have to assign the url in flash, but you could do something like on (release) { getURL(var); } and in the html use theflashfile.swf?var=thelinkto.html as the src I hope this is what you mean edit: for future reference is a great tutorial site /...
  13. M

    CSS question regarding indents for <p>

    I found the other day, very useful.
  14. M

    CSS question regarding indents for <p>

    I thought IE screwed the padding all the time. I've only been doing xhtml/css for a couple of weeks and already have a (more) bitter hatred of it. And the worse thing is it'll stay at the top for a very long time, our IT department at work is being outsourced (the dimmest thing ever), so I...
  15. M

    CSS question regarding indents for <p>

    you might want to use a margin, IE on the PC gets pissy with, well everything but especially padding.
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    Smack the pingu for the original and 4 others
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    iTMS Europe [[Live news]]

    I didnt realise France and Germany had VAT, although Apple do have a long tradition of charging us a lot more, no reason to stop that now.
  18. M

    iTMS Europe [[Live news]]

    my reply was aimed at andrew's post
  19. M

    iTMS Europe [[Live news]]

    add VAT to the UK price...
  20. M

    Most used Apps

    Drag thing Mail Fire Safari iTunes DEVONthink Flash MX Hyper edit Photoshop (was 7, upgraded to CS yesterday so haven't used it much) YourSQL Fetch Newtsync (shame it's dead now) Escale Packager and a lot of browsers for testing, and most importantly iConquer for network games at...