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  1. Koelling

    Command line: Keynote to Quicktime

    I'm betting the best bet is applescript if keynote is applescriptable. I don't know since I don't own it but you'd know by opening ScriptEditor and seeing if keynote had a dictionary available.
  2. Koelling

    So when are the G5 PowerBooks coming out?

    And it also sounds like 32bit in the OS is around for a while, so we don't have another major platform jump like with OSX. G5 runs 32 bit code naitivly so it's not likely that anything will drop 32 bit compatibility except maybe high end applications (such as Pixar's RenderMan)
  3. Koelling

    Panther 7A179 - detailed report with screenshots

    I think I've heard that there is a choice between brushed metal and aqua for the finder but I haven't seen any screen shots where this is true. Could you find out if there is an aqua version and put a screen shot into page 2 of your report?
  4. Koelling

    No One Mentioned This!!!!

    you mean like plain text? It's always been able to do that but you have to select "make plain text" from the format menu. If you mean like wysiwyg html editing, well there's some command line utilities to convert from rtf to html but it's better to get mozilla composer or something.
  5. Koelling

    Fast User Switching

    What happens if one user tries to shut down the computer and another user has open/unsaved documents? Would the computer just shutdown or would it time out because a save dialog on another window didn't let it quit?
  6. Koelling

    Panther not really 64 Bit?

    More rumor and unsubstantiated opinions.... I've read somewhere and I can't think where (maybe arstechnica?) that the current OSX is not yet fully optimized for PPC and could run faster if not for compatibility with 68k programs. I hate to inject this thread with more FUD but if other...
  7. Koelling

    whats the deal with this? [G5 bashing from slashdot]

    He's done his own research and come up with his own conclusion, which is more than I can say for any of those flamers he's posted below the article. Those people get too worked up about nothing when in fact it's wise to remember that a computer is a tool. It has a purpose and those purposes are...
  8. Koelling

    Apple just doesn't get it.

    "It's always the people who complain the loudest about price that aren't in the market anyway." I read that on Slashdot I think but I could be wrong. The point is valid tho. If the price were a little lower, the complaining might be quieter but there still would be no machine sold. I'm not...
  9. Koelling

    Safari v1

    it crashed when I first used it, so I removed PithHelmet and it's working. I'm glad they got 1.0 out (in only 6 months too w00t!) but until they start adding features I won't be too impressed. Don't get me wrong, speed is a feature but it's not apple-vative.
  10. Koelling

    What do U all Think - Final Verdict ?

    most the show I was pretty awed but once the benchmarks started, I nearly flipped. Optimized or not, that computer is leathal. I loved the fact that they compared it to the best PC money could buy, one that was 1000 more expensive yet it still slaughtered it. hmm, reading over what I just...
  11. Koelling

    Ding-Dong the Witch is dead!! IE no more!

    Saying this is a pretty low blow, even for Microsoft. Apple developed a framework, which anyone can do and they are open sourcing it (I don't know if they have yet since it's not finalized but they will) so that anyone can use it. There's nothing that Apple has integrated with the system that...
  12. Koelling

    Fed up with Versiontracker

    It's not so much the ads I don't like at VT, it;s the layout. For a long time the text would overlap and even now it gets right up next to the pictures and stuff so it's hard to read. Maybe I'm just using an unsupported browser but it does it in all my favorites so I just ignore it. I also...
  13. Koelling

    Whats the point of UNIX in OS X?

    I never knew how much I was missing without a command line interface. Mac was one of the only systems afaik without a CLI and now I have a whole new world of potential productivity opened up to me. Scripting makes repetitive tasks easy and the fact that it is Unix, verses something else Apple...
  14. Koelling

    New low end Mac?

    I wouldn't be surprised if Apple was putting plans on paper for something like this, but not into production. Steve likes Options and a cheep introduction to OSX would certainly be an option. This is either very early in planing or in early development I'd wager. I wouldn't expect to see this...
  15. Koelling

    if indeed 64, apple needs to brag

    true, you can say that 64 bit is twice as good* and nobody will notice the little astrix. Sure the geeks will discuss it in their forums but when joe consumer goes to buy a computer he/she will fall down trying to sign the credit slip fast enough. It's called marketing and Apple has every right...
  16. Koelling

    Omniweb 4.5 beta released

    This is a very cool release. I'll be buying this for sure (as soon as I know I can afford to blow 2 weeks food money. I'm living thrifty so I can get a new computer.) Anyone know of a good place to get a summary of features in this? I keep finding stuff like the form editor and shortcuts that...
  17. Koelling

    Freakin new Appleworks

    I'm holding out for NeoOffice. It's going to be great. I'm already using OpenOffice in X to read .doc but I do all editing in TextEdit. I agree that MS is needed tho, it's just a fscking shame that they can't play nice.
  18. Koelling

    Editing binary files

    is there any regular pattern? all on one line or a certain number of bytes per line? is it just a stream with no spaces or carraige returns? I was thinking maybe something as simple as vi would work, since you can specifiy a number before most actions such as hitting 5l moves you five spaces...
  19. Koelling

    To buy a powerbook or not to buy a powerbook, that’s the question.

    The original article seems to be unreachable, but here's the macslash article about dell and apple portables. I'll try not to sound like a mac-whinny b****, but in any purchase you'd want to look at the whole package. AMD...
  20. Koelling

    RumorTracker down

    I was wondering about that myself. Especially since rumor conspiracy tends to feed off of rumor dissappearances. I haven't heard much about it and there isn't even a redirect for