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  1. Koelling

    About OS X file

    It's not on my set up. Can you think of anything you installed lately that might be abbreviated DT? It might be redundant to tell you, but for people who don't know a Daemon is a program that runs invisibly. If you have remote log in enabled you are simply running the program called sshd...
  2. Koelling

    Chimera Navigator now supports 2-byte Asian characters!!

    Sweet :) Anyone else find new features lately? I downloaded a build the other day that wouldn't launch and I haven't gotten a new build yet.
  3. Koelling

    no PowerMacs @ MWNY? (, thinksecret, macrumors)

    I don't remember if this is true, but points out that last year's big finish at MWNY was "iDVD 2 coming soon". As long as the 17 iMac is true they'd be improving their precedent. I don't think this is a fabricated high level rumor to throw off the public. Apple is just...
  4. Koelling


    University of Colorado in Boulder has a great Mac User's Group and many labs full of Apple computers (supposedly all going OS X next semester). The MUG has a very active email list (over 150 members) and monthly meetings that are also well attended and have many cool demos and presentations...
  5. Koelling

    Why buy an Apple?

    I have a bit of a hard time with that question because Apple may not be for everyone. Why buy an Apple? Try one, you'll see. The question should be 'Why buy a Windows box?' A: They have more games. More games than a console system? Better hardware for the same price? I doubt it. A: They...
  6. Koelling

    Command "." like [TAB]?

    very perfect. Thanks a lot.
  7. Koelling

    RESPECT To apple!

    Wow, very positive response. And I like how you keep telling them that it's not for everyone, because it's not. But in my humble opinion, Windows is for nobody, Unix for people who need super power an Mac for the rest of us :)
  8. Koelling

    Where's the good UNIX ".cshrc" file gone?

    anyone else have good ideas of things to put into the .cshrc file? sao gave me the idea to alias play mpg123 -Z --list ~/musiclist/music.txt what this does is allow me to type play to get the command line mp3 player to start playing the playlist in music.txt (which includes full path...
  9. Koelling

    Joke or ad teasing

    I did see that a couple days ago. I kept watching (they were a nice pair of legs, I had to find out what was being advertised) but no logo that I can remember came up. The face of the woman was of a cat face tho. Maybe VT is low on sponsors right now.
  10. Koelling

    Microsoft and Intel control!!!

    Except AMD is in on this too so either Linux changes faces or it gets lost. I honestly believe that Apple will resist this with all their might. Their stance with the iPod is proof when instead of hacking it to bits they just said "please don't steal". Still Apple is in more of a position to...
  11. Koelling

    New releases (Acquisition 0.6 & Proteus 2.0b2) from my 2 fav Cocoa developers!

    Yeah I'm finding both of these to be great improvements over their previous releases. I am considering switching to Proteus from Adium but I'm still not quite ready. If I had more than one client I would. As for Acquisition, that program is freaky cool. I haven't ever had very good experience...
  12. Koelling

    your responsibility

    Sure but it should be soon. I work at Target and we received them but the street date is July 3rd so my boss put them in the back till then. I assume most stores will have them out then.
  13. Koelling

    your responsibility

    Nobody likes an evangelist. Mac users have this terrible reputation of being more persistent than some religious organizations or crack dealers. It's not our fault, we love our computers. We would like to see more people actually have fun with theirs. I think a big thorn in all of our sides...
  14. Koelling

    Will OSX ever be as fast as XP?

    I find it funny that *NIX people cheer the speed of their OS and condemn macintosh because it's so slow. What most people (read: consumer people) talk about their operating system they are talking about the part that *nix people would call the window manager. As a novice Darwin user, I...
  15. Koelling

    Will it Happen?

    I'm pretty sure they aren't making too much profit on these. If they dropped the price, selling more will only make their losses more. I can not say for certain but I think they introduced them at a price that gave them a loss (the 5 gig HD was $399 so they lost whatever it cost to make the...
  16. Koelling

    Will it Happen?

    If at all, probably Christmas. That's when Apple has been historically lacking in new/exciting things. I wouldn't put money on it or anything but if anyone at Apple reads this, maybe they will agree that a little excitement right before the buying season, rather than January which is after the...
  17. Koelling

    xbox to lose M$ 1.1 billion

    I see it already happening with this DRM "Secure OS" which is coming out after longhorn. The palladium chip makes the machine Microsoft without them having to manufacture any of it. Take a look at this (perhaps a little too speculative) article:
  18. Koelling

    Changing resolutions in CLI

    close but not quite. I was hoping for something that I could switch without restarting. This seems to cover a config script that is checked on start up. In OS X we can go to system preferences or the menu bar if we have it enabled and switch from 800x600 to 1024x768. Is there any command...
  19. Koelling

    Has anyone installed OpenSSH 3.3p1?

    I am reading articles on slashdot and other places about a security hole in openSSH, does anyone know if that affects us and if there is an easy way to get this new 3.4 version?
  20. Koelling

    This Is The Best Idea

    Why combine them? I already ditched iTunes for casual music listening because it is too bloated unless you actually want to rip a CD or burn one. 30% or more of my processor power is automatically assigned to iTunes when it is playing whereas I can run OroborOSX, XDarwin and XMMS (the X Multi...