New releases (Acquisition 0.6 & Proteus 2.0b2) from my 2 fav Cocoa developers!


Unofficial Mac Genius
OMG July 1st was a great day for great programs.

First, Proteus 2.0b (a multi-IM-service messaging client) was released, which features an AWESOME single-window interface, and a bunch of improvements over the previous 1.6.1b4 version. You should definitely check this out, even if you didn't like previous versions. It is hands down the best IM client for Mac OS X, bar none. I have not seen anything that can surpass this. It even has the Fire feature of docking the contact list to window edges. The only thing you lose from Fire is IRC support, which wasn't that great, anyway. And from Adium, you get support for multiple services at once. 2.0b2 was just released today, which has even more improvements. :)

And then later that day, Acquisition 0.6. Hehe, like Proteus, this is HANDS DOWN the BEST in its class. It's a Gnutella client, and it's MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better than version 0.5. The buggy gnut core has been tossed out the window, in favor of the much better LimeWire core. But the worst parts of LimeWire have been tossed out the window, too: the crashiness, and the ugliness, and the slowness of the interface. It has an AWESOME single-window Cocoa interface that is superfast and is much more informative and easier to use than LimeWire's god-awful interface. Acquisition 0.6 you can't find on or, so I suggest you go to and download it there. Hopefully a version will soon debut that will reintroduce media and quality filters that were temporarily disabled in 0.6, because of the massive coding rewrite he had to do for 0.6.

I suggest all of you go download both of these programs and try them out – I'll bet a lot of you will replace both your default IM client and your default Gnutella client with these two software gems if you haven't already. :D
Acquisition... whoah :eek: thanks for the info, this app rocks hard. I'd say I love you for posting the URL but that would be too weird. Anyhoo, Limewire is like, so off my HD now. Acquisition's GUI is amazing. Why can't all OS X apps look and behave as great as this one :confused:
Both of them look nice and I already had both of them :) but neither of them work AIM and Jabber won't connect in Proteus and I can't download anything in Acquation (Soryy about the spelling) :(
I really, really, really, really want to use Acquisition, but for all it's Cocoa goodness, it just won't download anything for me.Try as I might, no matter what it finds during a search, it can't download it.

As soon as this problem is fixed, Limewire is toast. Until then, Limewire works pretty darn well on my G4/800DP.
Really? That's bizarre.

Some people have reported that, for some reason, you might have to leave Acquisition on the desktop in it's folder, but I dunno if that will help in your guys' situations.

Are you guys behind a proxy server/firewall or anything like that? That might cause the problem..
Yeah I'm finding both of these to be great improvements over their previous releases. I am considering switching to Proteus from Adium but I'm still not quite ready. If I had more than one client I would. As for Acquisition, that program is freaky cool. I haven't ever had very good experience with it before but now it seems to connect better and it looks better too.
Originally posted by simX
Really? That's bizarre.

Some people have reported that, for some reason, you might have to leave Acquisition on the desktop in it's folder, but I dunno if that will help in your guys' situations.

Are you guys behind a proxy server/firewall or anything like that? That might cause the problem..

Well I am using an Airport
that has nothing to do with it. im also using an aiport through a router and acquisition is not in its original folder and works PERFECTLY for me...maybe you guys dont have the newer version... 0.6.1

anyway, bye