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  1. .dev.lqd

    This should be easy...

    He's right... for some reason we assume that we're dealing with two pieces of an equation, and treat both as if they're in parenthesis. (8 + 8 - 2) * (4 + 2 * 3) I solved this. 8 + 8 - (2 * (4 + (2 * 3))) That's what I should have solved. the 2 * blah blah should be taken care...
  2. .dev.lqd

    This should be easy...

    Ish- I fudged. Bad math man... bad. Thank god I don't need to pay attention to order of operations while I'm coding... I just need to keep my numbers straight. Ugh... I M WEE TODD DID
  3. .dev.lqd

    Where abouts are you from?

    Rochester... cheap livin' and cheaper wimmin :)
  4. .dev.lqd

    This should be easy...

    Order of operations :) Perenthesis, Exponent, Multiply/Divide, Add/Subtract so- 8 + 8 - 2 * (4 + 2 * 3) 16 - 2 * (4 + 2 * 3) 14 * (4 + 2 * 3) 14 * (4 + 6) 14 * 10 140 using the * notation is usually what will mess me up, so I always write things out using parenthesis instead...
  5. .dev.lqd

    Memory Usage Getter for OS X

    now that I have it, it still doesn't work. The dock opens up a bit but shrinks back down immedietely.
  6. .dev.lqd

    Memory Usage Getter for OS X

    Beware the period at the end of the url...
  7. .dev.lqd

    College Experience?

    I'm halfway through my third year at Rochester Institute of Technology. RIT is a lot of what you make it to be. You can come here and go through the motions, or you can bust your ass a little and get some more out of it. The best way to go is to do a little of both. General...
  8. .dev.lqd


    My only experience is with Americans. Europeans that I've spoke with have all been very well spoken, but I don't have much experience with a general European populace. Reading is like pot- it's a gateway media. Reading develops a better command of the language, and enables people to...
  9. .dev.lqd


    Were this a true grudge match... I'd probably end up on simX's side... I'm mostly fed up with American 'culture' as far as it goes... so many are so uninformed about so much. I feel that the populace would do well to spend less time 'mourning' in between watching sitcoms and spend more time...
  10. .dev.lqd

    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Do you have a link for this? If they can just keep this under a grand... oof.
  11. .dev.lqd

    Do NOT look at this thread.

    A refreshing break from the Nummi and deez_nuts show.
  12. .dev.lqd

    I really want to WOW them!?

    The file you requested was not available or does not exist. ^ || This is extremely progressive design- but I don't think the world is ready for it yet... :) Just poking fun :)
  13. .dev.lqd

    Yet another company is gobbled up by......... Apple?

    The answer just drop kicked me in the face: They're going to augment Final Cut Pro's (comparatively) dismal compositing and effects engine... That makes the most sense to me. They could also include some of the technology in Quicktime 6... which should be a HUGE upgrade... it makes...
  14. .dev.lqd

    Yet another company is gobbled up by......... Apple?

    iCompositing and iTitling? hehe... I don't know where they're going with this though... aftereffects is a really really solid application with a granite user base (myself included). My hope is for realtime video compositing applications... ala quicktime VJ type ish that doesn't suck...
  15. .dev.lqd

    Does Hervé smoke crack?

    Herve riggity rocks the spot. just like my [sic]'s got sperm!
  16. .dev.lqd

    What would you like Apple to make for your computing goodness?

    I would drop a grand on an Apple PDA with audio recording and playback... I don't even care about color... hell... I barely want color. Just make it functional and I make it this summer.