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  1. .dev.lqd

    Apple to call tech industry "do-over"! :eek:

    CARS == Crackass Attorney Research Service...
  2. .dev.lqd

    Apple to call tech industry "do-over"! :eek:

    I absolutely adore CARS... getting used to this dvorak crap is tough.
  3. .dev.lqd

    can YOU live without Microsoft?

    Homogenous computing environments are most susceptible to attack. Even an all Mac shop is more susceptible because the attacker has no need to diversify and can just focus on how to approach one type of system. If you have several machines interoperating via standard protocols that have been...
  4. .dev.lqd

    iMac TFT and HK iSub compatibility.

    I use a soundsticks isub combo... no problems...
  5. .dev.lqd

    Advantages & Disadvantages of Partitioning

    I always give myself at least two partitions... one for the operating system and programs and my desktop (where I keep tons of stuff) The other ends up being a dumping ground eventually it's cleaned out... but for the most part it's just storage space. The benefit is that I can...
  6. .dev.lqd

    What monitor should I get?

    lacie electron blue 19" w/ hood... $400 gorgeous display....
  7. .dev.lqd

    Help me convert a PC user - is a G3 enough?

    The latest iBooks are on par with late model crt imacs... they should be fine for almost anything your friend would want to do. They can handle light to moderate video, lots of photographic type work, and will chew through almost any standard tasks she might throw at it. In my (admittedly...
  8. .dev.lqd

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Didn't see this mentioned while skimming... but Ximmian has all but said that's its less of a question of if it's .net product comes to OS X, but when. It was on thinksecret some time ago...
  9. .dev.lqd

    OS "EX" or OS "Ten"?

    My problem is that it sounds like i'm saying OS sex... which just freaks me out. It's not that I'm a prude... but my operating system does not have sex... much like my parents. It's just a barrier I can't breach. Also- os7, os8, os9, osX.... it's just a roman numeral... i didn't see a reason...
  10. .dev.lqd

    Well, well, well... 10.2 will rear it's head at WWDC

    I'm interested in 10.2 just because of the progression... but speculating about it isn't all that interesting. We've all read the news... some of us have been using the builds... what's going to happen is pretty well set. Small tweaks... spring loaded folders... etc. It'll be cool, but whatever...
  11. .dev.lqd

    iBook vs. School

    I work for my college's sysadmins and PC's are the odd ones out. There is a single NT lab (mostly for ID and engineering/cad) and a few odd PC/Linux machines that the Animation kids use for Maya (since Mac Maya is only Complete and not Unlimited). Being a lackey... I don't need to fudge with too...
  12. .dev.lqd

    Diablo II and LoD for X!!

    Frustratingly... LoD crashes on startup on my DP500 with two radeon cards... GRRR. Then again.. I have lots of school work. This might be a blessing in disguise. On the other hand... no amount of LoD buggery is going to save me from EV Nova....
  13. .dev.lqd

    Ouch! Sun Microsystem's CEO takes a potshot at Microsoft

    Hehe... Scot McNealy is a little like Steve Balmer but without the MASSIVE SOCIAL/DISFUNCTION problems... very devoted, not afraid to drop some really biting criticism, and damned amusing. Then again... Steve Balmer is funny for a different reason. Errr... at the end of this I find...
  14. .dev.lqd

    Laggy Full Screen QT movies...

    Uneven scaling ratios can really detriment the performance of full screen playback... if you have trouble with 'Full Screen' try 'Double'. Also- it depends where the movie resides, how it was compressed, is it streaming... etc. etc. etc. Large data rates (where you have a big file and need...
  15. .dev.lqd


    What?! Is there ANY basis for this? Root and your normal user accounts -should- have COMPLETELY SEPARATE PREFERENCES. Things like browser window size... unless this is completely off... SHOULD BE STORED ON A PER USER BASIS. As for IE- the window size usually reverts to the size of the last...
  16. .dev.lqd

    Longest Uptime??

    Terminal screens are counted as logged in users... try creating another window, type uptime, then type who. create some more... repeat. Unless you log in remotely while you're logged out locally, it will almost defintily say at least two...
  17. .dev.lqd

    I'm looking for 3D apps like Alias Sketch and Typestry...

    Could you be a little more feature specific? Are you modelling? Animating? For web, broadcast, cd/dvd? There are lots of smaller applications out there (a lot of these done by PC hobbyists... so windows might be a necessary evil). I'm learning cinema right now and am very impressed with it...
  18. .dev.lqd

    A L C O H O L !!!

    Also... SCOTCH. You don't even need to drink it... just breath it in... you'll be swimming. So very good...
  19. .dev.lqd

    A L C O H O L !!!

    Bombay Saphire. Oh baby. It's one of my favorite things in the world. Martini's (french Sahara style), Gin and tonic (vodka when you can't find Gin), and finally... Gin and Ocean Spray's cranberry juice coctail... light... refreshing, and STRONG. Juniperrific. Deep smooth red wines...
  20. .dev.lqd

    Good day for audio!

    Protoooooooooooolllsss!!!!! Hehe.