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  1. G

    I've got my iMac G5 ...

    I have been waiting over a month for mine to appear :(
  2. G

    Completely pointless folder trick

    as soon as you double click the Mac HD (as an example), command + w close the window a mini finder jumps across my screen when i do that :o
  3. G

    Eject Key not working

    The hold the eject key down is for iBook and Powerbook keyboards only, as they double as another key (F12 on my iBook) I press the eject key on the iMac and it doesnt need held down :confused: still can always try :D
  4. G

    Eject Key not working

    you can always select the drive and press Apple + E or select eject from file :) if that works does the eject picture come up when he presses the button?
  5. G

    Funny Apple Support :confused: :confused: :confused: You'd think it is obvious :D
  6. G


    Hi, I have tried Half-Life in both VPC 6 and 7 on my iBook G4 1.2Ghz with 768MB RAM... I got 4 FPS :confused: :D