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  1. C

    G5 fan noise

    Update: Today my power supply unit including the two fans have been replaced and since then my office "rests in peace". Amazing how silent a G5 can be. Wow. So, my advice to all G5 users: check if your Mac makes funny noises and have the power supply unit replaced if necessary. It really...
  2. C

    Have YOU ordered Panther yet??

    Since there is no Mac store around here where I live I will have to celebrate all by myself. I hope my Apple shipment with the 29 EUR update of 10.3 will be here by Thursday! Ah, wait, I won't be celebrating alone - my black cat is eagerly waiting for his "fellow Panther".
  3. C

    G5 fan noise

    Well, I have bought it from Cancom Germany, if that means anything to some of you. The Cancom mechanic has already been here and said that this noise was average. At least I don't think it is. I guess I will have to compare it to other people's G5 (if I find some) or visit another Mac retailer soon.
  4. C

    G5 fan noise

    My new G5 1.6 Ghz (Combo) is way too loud as far as I am concerned. Even my wife's standard PC is quieter. Have any of you had similar experiences? What can I do to locate the noise and to solve the problem?
  5. C

    G5 and Gimp-print

    Yesterday I received my G5 1.6 Ghz PowerMac. Yes, great, uh? :-) Everything works well, but I cannot get gimp-print to do what it's supposed to: print. The drivers install fine, the printer appears in Print Center but it just won't do anything. All print jobs simply disappear in data...
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    Has anyone been able to start Classic in Panther (WWDC)? And what about 7b21?
  7. C

    Changing iTunes 4 GUI

    I would like to change the appearance of iTunes 4 as to make it look like iTunes 3 again. I especially dislike the new "pause" / "stop" buttons which - at least on my Mac - seem to be unproportionally large. I have already found out where these settings can be located with Resorcerer. You...
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    After most of you seemed to be satisfied with the update I did it, too. I also have Apache 2 installed but cannot report any problems so far. What kind of problems do you have?
  9. C

    Playing CDGs says that is a "DART Karaoke Studio CD+G File". Seems to be some application you need to buy first. I would check on that.
  10. C


    Has anyone installed the update already? It should be available via software updater.
  11. C

    playing streaming windows media

    Well, whenever I come across Windows Media Streams Safari tells me that no appropriate plugin was found but that it might work with WMP and asks me if I wanna give it a try. And then WMP opens and shows the stream. No idea why it works for me.
  12. C

    iMovie background music

    I am trying to find "atmospheric", very short (0:10) background sounds such as those used in movies (f.e. thrillers) to create tension and atmosphere. Does anyone have an idea where to find those?
  13. C

    [HOWTO]Get rid of Safari's brushed metal look

    My Windoze buddies envy me for the new brushed metal look! Many people just love it. Why do you want to get rid of it? :-) With the help of Metalizer I have "metalifized" many of my Cocoa applications! Great tool, don't you think? The next things I metalifize are my car, my bed and my TV...
  14. C

    Kernel Panic Upon Startup

    It seems the incomplete installation process is causing trouble within the system structure of Mac OS X. A kernel panic indicates that the system is heavily "confused" about something and "panics". ;-) Another thing you may want to try is boot from the Jaguar Install Disk and go to "Disk...
  15. C

    How much power does OSX need?

    True: Mac OS X - like most current multimedia operating systems - has an appetite for system resources. You can speed up your system by reducing the screen resolution (from millions to thousands) and by turning off the shadows. has a tool to do that. Another option is to get a...
  16. C

    OS x 10.2.3 and HP IP Printing

    I am using an HP 4L ("Stone Age") laserprinter and it works very well with 10.2.3. The printer is connected to my DHCP router with print server via parallel port. But I am using gimp-print which makes printouts really fast. Let me know if you need assistance in setting up gimp-print. If you...
  17. C

    New X11 for Mac OS X and KDE

    I see many of you use KDE with X11. This sounds fascinating. Is there a tutorial available on how to get KDE running on Mac OS X? Once I have gotten to the point of successfully running KDE, which apps will I be able to use? Konqueror and KOffice, naturally, but how about, say, Corel...
  18. C

    Happy New Year

    I hope you will all have a great new year 2003! Best wishes from Germany, Christoph.
  19. C

    iMac doesn't want to sleep

    It might have to do with your system version. I also had the strangest problems after an update to 10.2.2. When I went back to 10.2.1 everything was fine again. 10.2.3 is supposed to be much better. Perhaps your problems will be gone then...
  20. C

    Change Screen Capture File Format ?

    Go to Versiontracker and look for Kunvert, a small freeware application which sits in the dock and can - like a droplet - instantly convert screenshot PDFs in JPG. Simply drop your files onto the Kunvert icon and you're done. Easy, uh?