Have YOU ordered Panther yet??

I want to find where I can get the custom powerook as i want. ASAP i find that, i order panther (upgrade?) too. I want 12" 1 ghz 60 gb combo with extra 512 mb ram and airport .. :p
Yep, ordered mine a few days ago, despite it not working with my vid card:D

Guess I'll have to slug it out with the Rage:eek:
I have ordered it to our local mac-store. will be there for the release-party and collect :)
haven't preordered - my father-in-law and I are splitting the 5 license pack ($199) and going to the Apple Store bash on friday night. should be pretty nuts - Jaguar's release party was WILD!!!!
Pre-ordered minute I found out. May be getting a G5 soon as well which would come with it. But there's no guarantee, so I'd better get Panther in case ;)
since I'm STILL waiting for my dual G5 (ordered august 19th), I'm hoping apple will send me panther for free (no 20 dollar shipping charge). Jeez, at this rate it better come preinstalled :mad:
Agreed, that shoudl toss it with any computer shipped after October 8th, not ordered after that date...
I haven't ordered Panther, but I plan to get it at some point. From what (little) I've used of it, it's quite awesome, much better than 10.2, and even the brushed metal interface is not so bad considering all that you're doing with it.

Besides, I like being able to drag on any edge of the window instead of being limited to the menu bar. That's one of the (many) things I think OS X has been lacking from 9, up until now. Perhaps that's (one of the reasons) why Apple's putting BM in everywhere.
Since there is no Mac store around here where I live I will have to celebrate all by myself. I hope my Apple shipment with the 29 EUR update of 10.3 will be here by Thursday! Ah, wait, I won't be celebrating alone - my black cat is eagerly waiting for his "fellow Panther".
No sogni, but tomorrow when it arrives I order it asap online... can't do that yet, I obviously don't have the serial.
Anyone that has reads this forum and has not ordered Panther, or is not planning on doing so within one week should leave immediately. Panther is a must have upgrade for any Mac user. It's mandatory. Just do it.

Non-Panther? Scram. Shoo. Go away.

Why are you still here? Be gone!
