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  1. P

    MYSQL Users Sound Off

    I've been using mySQL for the past 3 years. Its friggin great. So much easier to manage then Oracle. I know nothing about realbasic. I do all of my mysql work for web sites, so I use php and perl. I believe that there is a mySQL realbasic module out there somewhere. Google came up...
  2. P

    DP Gigabit freezes during boot

    I am only running 1 HD at a time and each one is set to master. I have never removed the heat sink or processor. When booting from OS 9 CD the computer does not freeze at the same place all the time. About 75% of the time I am able to get the CD to boot fully. As soon as I move my...
  3. P

    DP Gigabit freezes during boot

    The Battery is brand new. I also pushed the cuda button after replacing the battery (the old one was dead).
  4. P

    DP Gigabit freezes during boot

    Already done. I have 3 sticks of RAM that worked fine under 10.2.8 on a B&W (I also tested 1 stick in a quicksilver). I have been rotating the RAM so that I try a boot with each stick (I only use 1 stick at a time) and I have tested each stick with the AHT CD and they all passed. Bad CPU???
  5. P

    DP Gigabit freezes during boot

    I have a Dual 450 Gigabit Powermac that freezes during OS boot. This machine will not boot into 10.2 at all. The boot will start, but after 30 seconds or so everything freezes. None of the HD's are SCSI. I am using a known good 30gb Maxtor HD with 10.2.8 that was pulled from a B&W...
  6. P

    Yet another iPod Hassle

    I have an original 5gb model and have never had a moments trouble with it. I use it 5-6 days a week for 2-9 hours a day. I bought a 15gb 3G model and have had nothing but trouble with it. The button in the center of the "wheel" worked rarely and I had to "reinstall" the ipod software 5...
  7. P

    DIABLO II 1.10 is finally out enjoy!
  8. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Rooster -- Alice in Chains
  9. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Confutatis -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Requiem conducted by Herbert Von Karaja I swear, I write my best code when anything by Mozart is playing in the background.
  10. P

    Cars, Trucks and Minivans... oh my!

    Arden, I think you ment to say "one of those mufflers that sounds like the car is farting". Its called a fart pipe. Ya know, a fart pipe will give ya an extra 25hp and those 'type R' decals give ya an extra 5hp each:D Sorry, I hate ricers.
  11. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Raven -- Dave Matthews Band
  12. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    The Grand Illusion -- Styx
  13. P

    can not open php pge

    it would appear that you do not have ~jsn set up in apache. I'm not sure how to do this. Somebody will come along and tell you. http:\\\test.php should work. give it a try. david
  14. P

    OS X and B/W

    I'm using 10.2.6 on a B&W 350/704mb RAM/orig video card/Radeon 7000/30gb Maxtor/40gb Seagate 10.2.6 runs OK on my setup. 10.1.5 definately seemed snappier. I am a web developer and I do quite a bit of my mysql, php and html work on this machine. It should work fine for what you are...
  15. P

    Cars, Trucks and Minivans... oh my!

    I've been going through my car list, so here it is: ME: 1985: bought a 1978 Honda Accord LX for $2000 my best friend in college decided that he wanted to go for a joy ride one night. He took my keys while I was sleeping. Rolled the car 2.5 times and killed one of the passengers. 1997...
  16. P

    Someone stop me!!

    go and buy them, you won't regret it.
  17. P

    Cars, Trucks and Minivans... oh my!

    99 Ford Crown Victoria LX My daughter calls it "Daddy's Big Heavy Car". Everybody thought that I was crazy when I bought this grandpa car (I'm 35). But, they are all impressed with it now!! ;) Plus, its one of the very few American cars that can go over 100,000 miles without major work...
  18. P

    What would you do?

    um...easy. Shoot the bastards. Down here in the South, its an unwritten rule: if somebody breaks into your house, shoot them twice. If they crawl out of the house, pull them back in and then shoot them again.
  19. P

    Ok PHP Problem Now

    no guanantees that any of the below will work for your. Here is what I have in my httpd.conf (apache 2.x) look for DirectoryIndex add index.php to the end of the line. mine looks like this: DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php in the addhandler section, you will need...
  20. P

    STOP Microsoft

    M$ suck the big wanker! Since July 14, 2003 I have had to "download" 41 updates (classified as either critical or security) for the XP box that I have at work (I have a Mac too ::love::). There have also been 14 other "updates" that I downloaded. 9 more are still waiting for download...