What would you do?


You're sitting at home alone. On the computer or watching TV. And you hear the sound of glass breaking in a room down the hall from you. You quickly get out of your seat to see what you can. As you turn the corner you see light from flashlights and hear the voices of strangers. In the background the screaming noise of glass breaking again sounds, this time closer. You grab the phone and try calling 911 but a man starts coming at you from the hall, you drop the phone. You run towards the front door as you hear glass breaking for the third time. You run outside into the street screaming for help. Two elderly neighbors down the street hear your cries and quickly run into their home. You can see from the street that most of your home windows have been broken and it appears there are people inside running around. Two men come out and begin chasing you down. Closer and closer they get. You're heart begins to hurt and beat faster than it ever has. You can feel your mind get dizzy. You've lost it all.
Wow, erm, can somebody delete this? The reason I wrote it was because I'm home alone and got scared for a minute. :) But now I'm not afraid somebody's going to break in. I'm afraid I have indeed broken my foot and we don't have the money or time to pay for it. :(

:( :( :( :( :(
I would run until they caught me, then do my damndest to get them to talk to me in a reasonable manner instead of dashing my brains against the sidewalk.

Trip, if your foot is broken you have to get it treated now, money be damned. If you don't, you'll end up like Sogni, having problems later on down the road due to an injury that healed wrong. You can always pay your medical bills over time, even if you don't have much money.
I'd make sure I was in the right house. Maybe it was the neighbors thinking I was scarfing down all the Code Red and Nacho Cheese Doritos in their house while watching Girls Gone Wild Vol 4. :D
Well, if you couldn't run, you could always try grabbing a baseball bat. ;)

What the heck got you thinking along those lines, anyway? :p
Well, we always think of ourselves as superior beings. If somebody broke into your house chances are you'd beat the crap out of them...right? What if you couldn't?

Anyway, I was watching tv all alone and I heard a noise in the backroom. My neighborhood is known for break-ins and murders and junk like that. So I'm a bit paranoid. But deep down I know i'll be fine. :)
Well, if it was only one guy, I feel pretty confident I could take 'em on...so long as they didn't have a gun, that's a bit hard to take on.

But 3 or 4 guys, that's a different story. Unless they decided to wait in line and come at me one by one. :p
Don't know about where you live, but in most states if they cross your threshold (door, window, etc.) without you permission, then you're legally allowed to take any necessary action to ensure the safety of yourself and your belongings.

Baseball bat, rabid dog, or in my case Glock 23.

I do remember hearing of a guy who was awaken by an intruder in his house while his 2 kids were there...intruder had a knife so the owner retrieved his bow and shot him. Made a big stink because the cops arrested him when he sought treatment at a hospital...for an arrow sticking out of his backside. OUCH!

I'd be more worried if the guy (intruder) had a knife than a gun...
um...easy. Shoot the bastards.

Down here in the South, its an unwritten rule:
if somebody breaks into your house, shoot them twice. If they crawl out of the house, pull them back in and then shoot them again.
We have a "Make My Day" law in Colorado where if someone breaks into your house, you are allowed to shoot the intruder and not face any penalty.
Originally posted by podmate
um...easy. Shoot the bastards.

Down here in the South, its an unwritten rule:
if somebody breaks into your house, shoot them twice. If they crawl out of the house, pull them back in and then shoot them again.

lol! That's the coolest thing I've heard! Mind if I quote it for my website (i'll need your real name [just first name])! What part of the south are you from?

I don't own a gun. :( I want to own a pellet gun that shoots a pallet so fast it can break bones, but my mom won't let me have one. :( Maybe when I'm older I'll get a good shotgun under the bed.
In Texas, you can shoot someone just for trespassing, not even breaking in. In California you'd probably get arrested or sued just for raising your voice at the guy. :rolleyes:
Well, unless they've finally repealed the law recently, in Texas it's still legal to hang someone for stealing your cattle. :p

And I was born & raised in Texas, so don't anyone else thing I'm poking fun here. ;)
You know, in Norway, where there are actually more guns per citizen than in the US, there is no such thing as armed burglars. Go figure :rolleyes: