Search results

  1. scruffy

    Password as CLEARTEXT??

    If you are going to automount a share that is password protected, you will have to store your password somewhere. It is quite true, and it is a good reason for not doing this - in the interests of security, it's good not to have your password lying around in clear text.
  2. scruffy

    A case for my iPod Mini?

    I think an Altoids tin will fit a mini. It's just a little bit too big for a full sized iPod.
  3. scruffy

    RJ45 Cable Connect To Another RJ45, Possible?

    Some stores just cut the ethernet cables for you when you buy them, rather than keeping them in stock at all. If there's a small computer shop near you, see if that's the case...
  4. scruffy

    Totally uninspired by Tiger

    There's a lot of big stuff in Tiger that doesn't have a flashy GUI - core data, which gives developers all sorts of nice features basically for free. core graphics, which developers of graphics apps will probably start building into their apps. Lots of features that are nice and useful to...
  5. scruffy

    Korn Shell in Tiger?

    use chsh to change your shell - that will drop you into a editing a little text file in vi (or whatever your EDITOR environment variable is). Change your shell to whatever program you want. I agree though - pick a shell and stick with it. I mean, what's next? At some point they'll have to...
  6. scruffy

    running apps from Terminal

    Well, that shows you all the files the app currently has open. If it opens the prefs, then closes them, you probably missed it. check the manpages for ktrace and kdump - this will let you trace every system call an application makes, including all the open() calls on files. It gives you a...
  7. scruffy

    USB Drive Encryption

    Looks a little like snake oil to my suspicious mind - it claims to automatically encrypt things when you log off, and decrypt when you log on. So, where does it store the key? Probably in (obfuscated) plaintext somewhere...
  8. scruffy

    Terminal to run after I log out

    If you need to reattach to the program later, to see what the output was, you could use screen.
  9. scruffy


    Apple is talking about Open Firmware - the BIOS in PC language
  10. scruffy

    Should we change back to herve's bar and grill?

    I like the idea - historical flavour and all.
  11. scruffy

    Very Strange System Problem... Any Ideas???

    Could it be a cabling problem? IDE cables are very fussy about cabling - the blue connector attaches to the host motherboard, grey connector in the middle of the cable goes to any slave drive, black connector at the opposite end from the blue connector and goes to the master drive. And make...
  12. scruffy

    Rotating LCD displays

    Apple made a monitor that could do that, I thought. I remember the student newspaper at my university had them for page layout - the monitors were perfect, as they were pretty close to the aspect ratio of a page of newspaper.
  13. scruffy

    64 bit vs. 32 bit in Tiger

    There's Photoshop and Illustrator for Irix? Wow, the stuff I never knew...
  14. scruffy

    Unable to SSH from OSX 10.3.8 into Linux Fedora Core2

    Sorry - it seems you can get to the thread only if you search google and get to it that way - the query I used was Cannot determine realm for numeric host address I think it was the first hit. Anyway, it was on the first page.
  15. scruffy

    Unable to SSH from OSX 10.3.8 into Linux Fedora Core2

    This seems to explain it Looks like it tries to do a reverse host lookup, and fails (as there's neither an A nor a PTR record in DNS, and no /etc/hosts entry)
  16. scruffy

    Bypassing the firewall

    Do you have a home computer? If so, perhaps you could run the program at home where it won't get you in trouble, and use ssh/sftp to get to files as you need them.
  17. scruffy

    Help: using ssh tunnel to configure a remote airport network

    Just so I understand - does the airport admin utility connect to ports on the airport base station to configure it? You might be able to do it fairly generically if the admin utility can handle a socks proxy. There's an option to ssh, which I'm too lazy to look up, that runs a socks v 5...
  18. scruffy

    Neverwinter nights

    Have you tried contacting the makers? It's a slim chance, but they might be understanding enough to help you. Contact the person who sold you the game first - you certainly have more chance of success there.
  19. scruffy

    OSes on an old G3 iMac.

    NetBSD is there, but it's not the easiest OS to install. I gather Ubuntu Linux is the distro all the hip geeks are using these days - at least on powerpc
  20. scruffy

    Blue and White G3 - OSX or OS9?

    You might want to... Just beware of going anywhere near the OS X drive partition when you're in OS 9 - file permissions are there for a reason. And incidentally - my rev 1 G3, 300MHz, (320 megs of RAM, a 100 gig, 10 gig, and 6 gig HDs, and DVD-ROM), is solid on 10.3. 10.0 and 10.1 were a...