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    Main menu keyboard shortcut

    Which one? Shift (^) F2 doesn't seem to do anything!
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    Main menu keyboard shortcut

    On the PC, (in Word) for example, I can use Alt-I, Alt-F ... etc to open the Insert and File pop-downs from the main menu, which enables me to then choose quite complex (well used) paths using the keyboard. The same sequences can take two or three times longer using the mouse. What is the...
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    iTunes has 'lost' most of my songs

    Thanks Mikuro ... I have now reconstituted my whole iTunes library by first deleting everything from the library and then copying back all music folders I want ... and this has now worked OK. Yes ... I have to redo my play lists and I have lost around half of my original songs ... but the...
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    iTunes has 'lost' most of my songs

    I wonder if anyone knows if I can download all the songs from my iPod into iTunes? This would certainly solve my problem!
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    iTunes has 'lost' most of my songs

    The ipod is fine ... it has all my music on ... but now I'm frightened to plug it in to iTunes, in case it has most of the songs deleted. No ... it is iTunes that has lost most of the links. How can I relink to all my songs easily?
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    iTunes has 'lost' most of my songs

    Where do I change the location to? The songs are still where they always where!
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    iTunes has 'lost' most of my songs

    I discovered today that iTunes was not playing most of my selected songs. When I double-click (most of) them, I get a message saying: 'The song blah blah blah could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?' and at the same time the grey...
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    ipod doesn't seem to work correctly ...

    Thanks Adambyte ... I knew all this but ... however, all is now well ... I needed to restart my computer :o
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    ipod doesn't seem to work correctly ...

    Just purchased a 20GB ipod and a dock and have charged it up and plugged it in. On the ipod I get a flashing 'no waiting' sign and a 'Do not disconnect' underneath. It has been doing this for approximately 8 hours ... will it ever stop? :( Some details ... my Mac is a G4 audio 466 (upgraded...
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    Peerless woes!

    I have now half-solved the 'cartridge stuck' problem. When I retract the cartridge and holder from the base mount, I can then manually (via a paper clip in the bottom back entry hole) eject the cartridge. Now my Peerless system is usable, but it always needs this manual ejection!
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    Weird calculator glitch

    When you say 'different', I guess you mean 6.399999999999999! If so, this is a problem with 'decimal' numbers. Once you introduce at least one decimal value (a number other than a whole number) into a list, the calculator goes into 'real number' mode. This holds and manipulates numbers in a...
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    Peerless woes!

    Has anyone had any problems with Peerless 20gb drives? I currently have 2 and both are unusable. The first (USB) has a Peerless cartridge permanently stuck in it (I cannot remove it no matter what I do) and the second (Firewire) devoutly refuses to do anything when a cartridge is inserted...
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    Cannot expand old disk-doubled files

    I am going to try this! Thanks Cheryl.
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    Cannot expand old disk-doubled files

    Unfortunately, 'nothing' happens! Has anyone else got any suggestions? Or is there someone out there who has (or knows someone who might have) a copy of Disk Doubler?
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    Cannot expand old disk-doubled files

    It doesn't though!! I have also downloaded an old copy of DDExpand (1991) but this cannot decompress either, complaining that the compressed files are too new for it to cope with. Help!
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    Cannot expand old disk-doubled files

    Previous to my modern OSX and large disk drives, I had a need to compress archived material because of shortage of space. I used Disk Doubler for this. I now have a need to access one of my archived folders on CD. When I look at its contents, they are clearly 'Disk-Doubled'. However I now no...
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    How do I amend my network ID?

    Thanks ... I found the manual and it confirmed admin/password which got me through. Thanks also to ElDiabloConCaca and arden for your suggestions.
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    How do I amend my network ID?

    I currently have ADSL broadband access via an excellent PAE-CE64 router through my business line. I will be cancelling this line soon and thus have had to reinstall (from scratch) ADSL on my residential line which has now been activated. Unfortunately, because I am still keeping my business line...
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    Still have a date problem!

    Wow ... thanks Pengu ... that has done the trick!
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    Still have a date problem!

    I previously reported a date problem with OS X 10.3 - when I clicked on the time on the menu bar, the date in grey showed something like Monday, December 2003 (and still does) so I changed to wclock and at least I now get the date in a format that is meaningful. However, in OfficeX (Entourage)...