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    Windows XP theme for OSX...

    i would like to know also!!!!!!! please sombody
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    Install OS X Server on top of OS X?

    looks like nobody is going to answer your Q.!!! i would like to know this myself!!!!!!!! ANYBODY???? sombody out there has to know
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    G4 DP 1Gig Review (I got one)

    of corse it is faster after all it is a 1Gig machine!!!!!!! im happy for you!!! but most of us cant afford a new machine!!!! hell looks like im stuck with my g4 400 apg singel! and of corse os x is faster! on your machine. but what about us?????? the people that wont to run os x and like...
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    OSX Boot times

    DITO!!!! Come on Apple Get It Toghter!!!!!
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    Radeon driver for x

    i know this has been dun to death!!! but i read somewere that you could take an extenion from 9 and install it somewere in x!!! could somone please help i dont know which one to use or where to put it in x. i have a Radeon agp grap. thanks ronnie:(
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    remaining reasons for forcing us back into OS 9?

    Digital performer!!!! All Audio apps!!!! I love 9.1 it is fast and it never crashes on me i just never liked having a swap file!!!!!! at least in windblows you can turn the swap file off!!!! you gota atmit that moast mac guys have plenty of ram on there macs!!!so who needs a swap...
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    Is that the best iMac you can make, Steve??

    to me it looks like a toy bring back the bage miny towers PLEASE
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    What do you think about the new iMac?

    DITIO!!! I still dont like it!!!!!! my god what a piece of crap please do flame me i just think apple could have dun better it still looks like a tabel lamp!!!!
  10. R still works

    im sorry i went back there and it was there again i dont know what happond!!!! i sware it was gone awile ago
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    iMac Pokey! (SONG)

    Great song for a lamp!!!!!!
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    What do you think about the new iMac?

    Looks like a table lamp to me!!!!!!! hell i have one of thoes on my desk now!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys i just dont like it!!!!!!!!! but what do you expect comming from a guy who still likes the look of the bage g3 miny tower the best thats when macs lookes like macs!!!! please dont flame...
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    What do you do for a living?

    i run a recording studio with my mac i also play 6 nights a week!!! so that is what i do with my mac
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    Internet Explorer Crashing with Quicktime

    it does the same thang to me in x and os 9.1 i wish thay would shit or get of the pot!!!!! it has been like that the hole time
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    Who will win?

    the way i see it not everybody can just go out and buy a new mac!!!!!!!!! hell these things are expinseve!!!! not everybody is a rich kid if thay were hell everybody would have the fastest mac out there!!!i know i would! but apple needs to fix os x so it will run fast as hell on my g4 400...
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    Middle Seat

    i wont to know where you found a hotline client for x!!!!!! i went to and couldent find it please post a url to it thanks
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    Convert 10.1 Update CD to Full Version (Repeat?)

    What do you mean you cant Boot off of a cd?????? :confused: please explane why you cant boot off a cd