Is that the best iMac you can make, Steve??

So what? The old iMac was like a full ball! Seriously, in a few days, you'll maybe love it!

Most people who see the old iMac for the first time say "URG. What's that supposed to be?" But after a while, they like the design. Same goes for the new iBook. Most people think "how booooring", but after a while, they say "damnit, it has more style than anything else".
I love it! (I hated it for the first 30mins but now I luv it!!)

(By the way, I had a loverly time in Liverpool over Xmas, thanks for asking!);) :D
having mother do all our cooking and cleaning for 2 weeks! (She doesn't use Macs though, so I came back!)

Just in time!
It's your option not to like something, that is why we are all unique.

Personally the new imac looks like a boot to me, but I prefer it to the look of the old iMac.
well, as ulrik predicted, I begin to like it a little. I have seen only the Time photo when I post this thread, but then I saw a lot of pics and QuickTime moviesat and I noticed it wasn't that awful. At least, it doesn't suck :) but it stills look like a toy for me. It doesn't give me the idea of the strong machine it is. I think they could do it better.