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  1. ulrik

    Star Wars Aoc

    THe picture-quality of the non-digital version is really bad! THey did ittentionaly, I think, to push the digital cinemas even more. I was surprised of how many new techniques Lucas used! In no SW movie did he use special camera positions, but the fight between Dooku and Ani is great when it...
  2. ulrik

    Congrats to Nummi

    I second that
  3. ulrik


    Microsoft optical trackball (the black one)
  4. ulrik

    Congrats to ksv

    congrats!!! I don't exactly know what the word "non alcoholic" means (must be some US slang), but it sounds like fun! YIPIE!!!! PS: Gotta get this blood out of my alcohol....
  5. ulrik word association!

  6. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    houston to nkuvu, houston to nkuvu...we are waiting...:D
  7. ulrik

    New to Mac and glad to be here!

    That's an insider joke. You are free to post any questions you have. We currently have a small problem with people around here who think they have to raise their post counters by posting pointless stuff like that one. If you have a question, an answer, anything which fits into the forums...
  8. ulrik

    New to Mac and glad to be here!

    welcome to the forum!!! Don't feel stupid to ask questions. After all, that's why we meet in such places! And feel free to take a virtual drink in the thread called "Herve's Bar and Grill" in this part of the forum!!! I hope you have fun with the Macintosh, you won't be dissapointed. I...
  9. ulrik

    Favorite Movies

    OK people, tell us what your favourite movies are and why you think people should watch them if they don't know them. Let me start with my favourite movies - in no order Alien trilogy - everything you want. Action, horror, science fiction. Note that I wrote "trilogy"!!! Natural Born...
  10. ulrik

    the stuff that is not piped...

    as always, all I can say is "thousand thanx", you solves my problem :D
  11. ulrik

    the stuff that is not piped...

    OK, I don't know if this is possible, but I am sure that the UNIX guys here will be able to help me. Correct me if I am wrong, but a pipe is used to redirect the standard out of a command. Now, if I pipe something into the standard in of another command, is there a possibility to get what is...
  12. ulrik

    Wow! AOL actually did somthing right!

    I'm trying since I am ten, but they won't let me :mad:
  13. ulrik

    Wow! AOL actually did somthing right!

    When I looked onto these screenshots, it kinda reminded me on my first WinXP experience... ...sometimes, I really apperciate the cold, technical but 100% efficient GUI from Solaris or IRIX....I wouldn't wanna work in such an environment all time, but it has it's does Aqua...
  14. ulrik

    Wow! AOL actually did somthing right!

    Gecko is the name of the rendering engine behind Mozilla, Chimera, Netscape...
  15. ulrik

    Star Wars Aoc

    that thing wasn't made on Macs. Do you REALLY believe what Lucas and the guy from ILM said on stage??? No Powerbook or G4 is halfway capable of even rendering the wireframe model of one of those Maya shots in time... Maya has one of the slowest renderes on the market, and the OS X version...
  16. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I wanna see that monkey...
  17. ulrik

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    how about no more talk about post counts until the sun stops burning???
  18. ulrik

    New G4?

    Well, as I said, a faster FSB should be in the cards. Now we could have the RAM to actually feed the CPU in a decent speed, so please, give as a faster FSB, so that finally also those Mhz numbers get even again....
  19. ulrik

    New G4?

    Wait until a new PowerMac is released. Hopefully, it will be the G5. If it is a G4, you will get mucho improvements with DDR Ram, bigger Ram capacity, hopefully a faster FSB etc.
  20. ulrik

    Want to see an opensource app for Mac...?

    If you wanna do something thousands of people are waiting for....add CMYK support to GIMP. IIRC, GIMP is opensource, so you should be allowed to improve it... that would be REALLY cool