New to Mac and glad to be here!


Hello everyone!
I was a mediocre level PC user until I fell in love with the new iMac flat panel and just "had to have it"! Waited 3 months to get delivery and finally it's here - looks fantastic on my desktop, no miles of wires and separate CPU - all in all a master of design and soooooooo far ahead of Windows:) I was delighted to find a forum devoted entirely to OSX and plan on visiting often.
The above is just a preamble to give you all fair warning that I am a total newbie to the system and will likely have all kinds of dumb questions for you. So please indulge me, I so want to learn the system and make full use of this wonderful computer.

Thank you.

P.S I am also a girl!
I've said it before, I'll say it again...

Welcome to

No question are dumb questions, but don't start browser threads ("Which browser do you like?", for example) because we have too many. In general it's a good idea to search before starting a new thread, because it might already be here. ;)

Sheesh, listen to me lecture the new user. Sorry, I'll try not to blather on so much... :rolleyes:
welcome! you will find many a fact here and many a discustion on things having to do with macs and things in general, we are a friendly bunch and are, for the most part, sane. this excludes xoot who enjoys making post after post ect.
welcome to the forum!!!

Don't feel stupid to ask questions. After all, that's why we meet in such places! And feel free to take a virtual drink in the thread called "Herve's Bar and Grill" in this part of the forum!!!

I hope you have fun with the Macintosh, you won't be dissapointed.

I left the x86 platform myself a few years ago and I have NO plans of going back. Actually, I realized that to me, EVERY platform is better than Wintel, Sun,SGi, but especially Apple!!!

One thing though: Apple doesn't have much only has FANS!!!!

:D :D :rolleyes: :cool: :eek: :D
Originally posted by xoot
Don't post insanely. :D

That's an insider joke. You are free to post any questions you have. We currently have a small problem with people around here who think they have to raise their post counters by posting pointless stuff like that one.

If you have a question, an answer, anything which fits into the forums, post it!

Welcome to the LCD iMac club =)

I too am one of those people who switched from the pc land to the mac land... It really is a superior operating system, I have yet to have a major crippling crash, compared to my old wintel box which it seems, was crashing every week.

Don't worry, the people here are reallty helpful and if you need any help, try going to, a lot of the people here are volunteers there and there are never enough questions to go around =)
What a lovely welcome from all you nice people!
Can't understand why my pc pals give me such a slagging for switching over to "the lamp" - I put it down to sheer jealousy:D In any case it is so nice to be among like minded, good looking, witty, intelligent people like yourselves!

Xoot no worries, don't plan on making insane posts - insane questions maybe - but I'll leave the insane posting to you.


Yup, can I just reiterate what everyone else has said - you shouldn't feel like any questions are stupid. Whilst it may seem like a very different platform to start with, it's mainly a matter of mindset. You know that not-very-ggod CLint Eastwood movie Firefox, where he has to think in Russian to make the plane do what he wants? It's kind of like that - once you get into the mac mindset, everything becomes clear.

I look forward to serving you in Herve's when you drop by...