Search results

  1. Dekatophil

    Number pad doesn't work anymore

    No matter what I try, I don't get the number pad at the right hand side of the keyboard to work. Enter, +- etc. work well, but not the numbers. Has anybody a soution for that problem ? The problem first occured with my Macally keyboard. it has now also affected the Apple keyboard that came with...
  2. Dekatophil

    Heavy permissions problem

    And simple solution: I just installed the 10.2.6 combo updater over it. That allowed me to fix the permissions. The system got corrupted after a power outage.
  3. Dekatophil

    Heavy permissions problem

    Seems like I'm in deep shit, guys. I need to allow external access to one of my FW drives. Accessing it hangs the computer. I was about to check the drive but I get a "Can't open /dev/rdisk3s9: Permission denied" error. Now, I know I can't repair permissions on that volume directly, so I tried...
  4. Dekatophil

    X blues...

    There have been many reports of battery trouble with Apple portables after upgrading to 10.2.4. It shows on the screen as well, normally. Other than that, yeah, sounds like the harddrive...
  5. Dekatophil

    iTunes burning with 3rd party drive

    Same here, Paul. I've got an olden Toshiba combo drive. While it was advertised as being "PC only" it has always worked quite nicely playing my DVDs. Also, burning with Disk Copy works (you might want to give that a try). iTunes and Finder burning are notoriously fuzzy with what drives they...
  6. Dekatophil

    Password management on the Mac

    What exactly makes KeyChain less secure ? Also, I've heard the recommandation to just store a text file on an encrypted Disk Image.
  7. Dekatophil

    Password management on the Mac

    There are a couple of password manager out there for the Mac (e.g. Password Wallet, ForgotIt? etc.). Why would I want to use one of those over the built-in KeyChain? Please let me know your thoughts/experiences.
  8. Dekatophil

    How to burn bin/cue files with Mac OS X

    1) There are many free utilities that let you work with .bin files e.g. GNU vcdtools X . Note, it's a GUI front end and works well. 2) In Toast, just choose the "Disk Image" option, drag the .bin image onto Toast and burn your VCD. 3) Yes, you can mount .bin files using Toast. Never had a...
  9. Dekatophil

    .rm/.ram in QuickTime ?

    When requesting a .rm or .ram stream on the Internet it either downloads (which is not very convenient) or it tries to load in Quicktime! (Which is catastrophic). I've got the latest version of RealOne and it works okay so far. Has anybody got the same problem? I couldn't find where to adjust...
  10. Dekatophil

    firewire cdrw not burning

    What exactly do you do ? You insert the CD and open it in Finder ? (BTW, what version of OS X do you use?). In order to burn files, you must drag them onto the CD icon. Alternatively, use Disk Copy to burn disk images.
  11. Dekatophil

    Blue Screen of Death and Netinfo

    Most of these problems I've heard of are due to some hardware problem. What periphery do you use with the computer that is giving trouble ? Have you tried disconnecting all periphery? Sorry, this may not be helpful but OS X seems to be most touchy with hardware (especially USB) or RAM.
  12. Dekatophil

    Slow internet in OS 10.2

    Well, what service/protocole do you use. I'm on ADSL and I sure get max. speeds. Ever talked to your ISP ? Anyway, this doesn't seem to be an overall OSX problem. Could you provide more info?
  13. Dekatophil

    How secure is Keychain ?

    Yepp, I'm aware of that. Well, I was wondering what encryption level (algorithm) keychain uses. Just wanted to know how easy it is for intruders to get at the stored data.
  14. Dekatophil

    OS X 10.2 on a G3 iMac - worth it?

    MacFreak: Did you upgrade or did you do a clean install ? I initially had the same problem as you on a G4. I had to do a clean install and the Jaguar would suddenly run like hell... G3/G4 doesn't matter.
  15. Dekatophil

    How secure is Keychain ?

    Wondering exactly how secure Keychain is. What encryption does it use? How is data accessed? Who has what kind of permissions? If any of you has more info on that, I'd be happy to hear it :-)
  16. Dekatophil

    Running OS X on a windows machine

    Sure gonna happen. Apple recently sent out AMD comps (in generic boxes) with an x86 port of OS X on it. Indeed, if you have access to one of those, you could probably extract Maklar (OSX's x86 port). If you're looking for something official, you're out of luck for still considerable time to come.
  17. Dekatophil

    Apple from a european perspective

    Very interesting to hear your takes on the issue. I was focusing on the european market, not because I thought it mattered more than others, but rather because it's the one I know a little bit about. So, why is it so difficult for Apple to do business well, outside the US ? Especially given the...
  18. Dekatophil

    Apple from a european perspective

    Apple - from a european perspective. "Apple is Apple no matter how you look at it" you might say. Well, it at times seems that this is not the case. Indeed, the Apple has some mouldy patches turned towards Europe. Why am I writing this? Well, I'm a Mac aficionado and as such would like to...
  19. Dekatophil

    Toast: Video CD plugin (preview) expired !

    Toast is telliing me that its Video CD encoding thingy expired. That's funny. I'm using 5.2, so far without a problem. Does anybody know where to get the latest version ? I can find no mention of it on the Roxio page...