Heavy permissions problem


Seems like I'm in deep shit, guys. I need to allow external access to one of my FW drives. Accessing it hangs the computer. I was about to check the drive but I get a "Can't open /dev/rdisk3s9: Permission denied" error. Now, I know I can't repair permissions on that volume directly, so I tried repairing privileges on the boot volume before proceeding further. Catastrophe! I get only "Operation not permitted" errors. So apparently I cannot repair privileges because I don't have the
permissions! Yuck. I haven't changed anything in terms of password or else. Just upgraded to 10.2.6. Problems didn't occur immediately after the update tho'.
If anybody can help, please do !
And simple solution: I just installed the 10.2.6 combo updater over it. That allowed me to fix the permissions. The system got corrupted after a power outage.
Well, it's good to hear that you fixed the problem. You need to be wary of corruption from sources like power outages, force quitting certain applications during certain processes, and the like.

So this means the drive works?