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  1. B

    help with ppp and dsl please

    Subject says it all. Did your provider give you the modem(its not really a modem anyway, lets call it network adapter)? Do they have a DSL router option that you can take advantage of. That way you can set up your internet connection via your ethernet port and it will always be connected. If...
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    How to change gimp swap file directory to another disk?

    You have to think of both of your hard drives as being part of the same filesystem. Consider this example. / root partition is on the first drive /var first drive /sbin first drive /bin first drive /usr second drive Ok so in our example everything but the /usr directory is the first...
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    How to change gimp swap file directory to another disk?

    My experience is mostly on FreeBSD and UFS but unless I am mistaken, if you create a swap partition on another drive, the OS will take advantage of it. Its probably not possible to specify which disk the gimp will swap on(unless your only swap is on the other drive). I really do need to learn...
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    A soft router for OS X ?

    I figured I would check the database first before rewriting something that someone else has posted... check this thread out... There are plenty of entries on how to get natd working... do a search for natd and it will give you a ton of threads to go from. Hopefully this will get you on the...
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    A soft router for OS X ?

    while I am way more familiar with the way FreeBSD does these things, I would imagine, that since FreeBSD can do it, Darwin should be able to as well. Granted, Darwin doesn't have as big a ports collection to choose from but I would be willing to bet that all the things you mentioned are...
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    samba: mounting my XP disc on my mac and visa versa

    In windowsXP you have to enable sharing for whatever folder you want to share. When you do that, you have to assign it a name. So if you want access to entire c drive, right click on the drive, goto sharing, enable it, and finally, name it. then when you use connect to server on your mac...
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    A soft router for OS X ?

    What sort of DSL modem do you have? Connected by ethernet, or USB? Is it a DSL router or simply a modem(for lack of a better term) Does your DSL modem/router have a static ip or dynamic? Does it assign your main computer with an ip via DHCP or do you have it manually configured? What...
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    cron alarm clock

    crontab file... type crontab -e (this will open you crontab file for editing) then, depending on what time you want it to go off, you set the time like so 0 7 * * * /Users/yourname/scriptsdir/ Basically, you all the other stuff the other guys told you, would go into a script...
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    XDarwin & Orobor

    When I was talking about Xdarwin, I was meaning the entire XFree86 installation for MacOSX. What Symphonix was saying is completely true. Xdarwin was made so that Xfree86 could be run in rootless mode (It normally runs as root). This enables people to run XFree86 on Macs without having...
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    XDarwin & Orobor

    From what you keep saying regarding this whole installation... something must be corrupt. I am running Xdarwin (loaded from Fink) an oroborosx(lastest release) and it works fine for me. My finder works, my dock works, everything works... I can even open up xterms from my Freebsd box on my...
  11. B

    OK, OK, OK. X Windowing on Mac OS X

    When you say the dock doesn't work, do you mean nothing will launch at all, mac os stuff or unix stuff, or do you mean it won't launch UNIX apps only? My dock works with with X running but I use Oroborosx and when I want a unix app to launch I use the command line to fire it up... haven't...
  12. B

    OK, OK, OK. X Windowing on Mac OS X

    I used fink to install it. you have to install the Xfree86-base and the xfree86-rootless packages. Once you have those working, you should be able to install macgimp and that too will work. If I were you, I would also get the latest copy of oroborosx and install that so that X will...
  13. B

    no x windows on remote servers

    do an xhost +<yourmac'sip> on the computer? Doesn't this command allow x server access to the specified host? Your computer is acting as the host and the machine is acting as the x server... Correct?
  14. B

    SSH login

    go to your system preferences... once in there click the sharing icon. Once that opens there are several tabs at the top... not sure which one this is under as I am on a pc at the moment, but under one of them is a check box that will enable remote access. From there, you should be able to...
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    OS X and Cisco

    the console port on all Cisco's that I know of are not ethernet. So even if you put a crossover cable between your ethernet jack on your Mac and connected it to the console port on the Cisco, its simply not going to work. Its like trying connect your USB printer to the firewire port on your...
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    SSH login

    So long as you have remote access enabled in the sharing section of your system preferences, you should be able to ssh into your mac. As for the windows ssh clients... there are tons of them... Take a look and find one that looks appealing to you... Personally, I use a...
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    OS X and Cisco

    Do you mean that you want to connect to the console port, or do you mean via an ethernet port? If its ethernet, a simple crossover cable should suffice if you plugging straight into its enet port. If you are trying to plug into the console port, then I have to be honest here... I don't...
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    httpd runs amok

    Normally, apache has a section in the config file that tells it how many servers to start and how many minimum spare servers to keep running. look for the minservers and maxservers lines in your config file and set them appropriately. Also, you might want to alter the startservers to a...
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    Powerbook Ethernet Speed / Duplex setting

    that are like yours have the same problem... It sounds like your built-in ethernet has something wrong with it. IF anyone who has a computer like yours has the same problems then its probably a design issue... Have you looked for any firmware updates that might fix this problem... Ethernet...
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    AFP on windows

    Thanks for the response... I didn't even know that NT had a services for Macintosh... knew about UNIX services but never really noticed the mac ones until I bought my powerbook :) Thanks again