Search results

  1. S

    ADB Wacom Tablet

    WACOM has no plans to support serial or ADB tablets under Mac OS X. Hopefully someone at least as skilled as Strobe will remedy this situation.
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    [HOWTO] Move the swapdir in Jaguar

    Yep, just don't be a fool like me and delete the swapfiles while they're still in use. That's very very bad.
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    locate.updatedb's options not working?

    Doesn't seem to work for me. By the way, have you looked at the locate.updatedb script? (Yep, it's a script.) It doesn't seem to do anything with the arguments shown in the man page. I don't think it's a complete implementation.
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    Apache (httpd.conf) vs. PHP.ini

    If your phpinfo() says the php.ini file is supposed to be in /usr/lib then your server agrees with mine. Generally, if you're going to set your php_values inside the httpd.conf file you should do so in a "Location" or "Directory" container. Finally, if you're having trouble with setting the...
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    Deleting a keychain

    Hmm, try running Disk Utility and do the Fix Permissions operation. If that doesn't do the trick then drag the "Keychains" folder out of your ~/Library folder, then log out and back in again. Those are the first two steps I'd recommend, but no guarantees.
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    ._ file names?

    Those are "resource fork" files which show up on filesystems lacking multi-fork support. You didn't happen to format your Mac drive as UFS, did you? If so you might want to reformat your drive as HFS+ and reinstall the system. I don't recommend using UFS simply because it causes more headaches...
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    H2 wipe unused hard disk space??

    Several "Shredders" on VersionTracker
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    viewsonic resolution problem (10.2.3 related?)

    Try this: - Shut down the Mac - Disconnect the display - Start up the Mac - Log in (you'll have to do this blind) - Shut down (Press the power key or CTRL-Eject, then press return) - Reconnect the monitor - Start the computer Sometimes this helps after an OS or graphics driver update. Mac OS X...
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    Capture streaming video/audio

    Hmm, for streaming audio try Audio Hijack. It allows you to capture the audio output from any application. I've used it to capture streaming audio from iTunes radio stations. Hijack also allows you to insert effects into the audio, useful for creating bizarro samples. For capturing streaming...
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    Help I delete my "/etc" on Jaguar

    You don't necessarily need to reformat your drive. Just use your original Jaguar installer, use "Archive and Install" to install over the current system, recreate your admin account, and move over files from the archived system.
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    Some quotes

    Why is it, they keep apes in a bestiary ... ... and bees an an apiary?
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    Bad RAM? Help!

    Most RAM comes with a lifetime warrantee now, so if it turns out to be a RAM issue then by all means trade it in.
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    epson c80 printer problems with jaguar

    Move these files out of your Preferences folder and onto the desktop and restart the computer. It's worth a try, but no guarantee it will help.
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    Apple released new Safari version

    It seems much faster, and presumably it won't delete /tmp or your home folder. DOWNLOAD SAFARI NOW!
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    How does the *NEW* Safari compare?

    Apple just released a New Safari Beta today. I've been using it and it feels much faster that the first beta. Surely it eliminates the nasty bugs that plagued the first release. How does it compare for y'all?
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    The application Safari has unexpectantly quit

    And get the New Safari just posted today.
  17. S

    Apple Apps choke, must be force quit. Second time, any help?

    Hmm, I'd theorize it had something to do with your added RAM if the symptoms didn't disappear after a fresh install. Occasionally there have been some bad-behaving apps that deleted the /tmp shortcut, requiring people to go to the Terminal and type: sudo ln -s /private/tmp /tmp Most notably...