Search results

  1. S

    Give PHP permission?

    The group named "www" is the group under which Apache runs, so make the areas you need to write into group-writeable and owned by group "www." PHP will then be able to write there.
  2. S

    Project Builder Target location

    No indeed! The default location for the built executable is in a folder named "build" in the same folder as your pbproj file (at least for most target types). Maybe you should recreate your PB project from scratch and re-add the source files. This would set things aright for sure. If you just...
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    editors and stuff

    In the shell I prefer joe which is a friendly modeless editor with built-in help. You can get it here: MACOSX.FORKED.NET
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    Run applescript when mac wakes?

    Here's a good starting point, a daemon that runs a shell script when the system sleeps or wakes: SleepWatcher Then make a simple shell script that runs the osascript or open command to execute an AppleScript.
  5. S

    Can't you C ?

    (As paracord points out, you need to enter ./a.out because the executable probably isn't in the shell's search path. This presumes the "current directory" is the location of a.out. If not then cd folder/containing/a.out)
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    Databases with developer tools

    I'd recommend MySQL simply because it's free, fast, fairly easy to learn, and very well documented on the website. They also document the MySQL programming interfaces very well. You don't necessarily need to call the MySQL APIs directly either. There's a program called CocoaMySQL that...
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    PHP running Stuffit command line

    Have you tried specifying the complete path to the "stuff" command? PHP runs as the Apache user (www:www) and this user's shell may not include the path to the "stuff" command.
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    Knee deep in Cocoa

    I concur. OpenGL can also be very powerful for drawing lines and areas, but it has a fairly steep learning curve.
  9. S

    the doubt ...

    As I recall it means you're accessing memory that has not been allocated for your application. It could be that your program is trying to make use of an instance which has already been disposed or a buffer which has been free()'d.
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    Is world peace possible?

    War is all about desire, pure and simple. Perhaps it could be said that those who are starving and cut off have a right to the basic things they desire. Nevertheless, strong desire for things you do not possess will lead you to go after them. The objectives of war - from the point of the...
  11. S


    Foolish mortal. Why do you not yet realize that creating a guest account is not only possible but practically instantaneous on Mac OS X? Next time you will do the right thing. And I am saddened to hear you are more emotionally bonded to your icons than your family.
  12. S

    Is world peace possible?

    I believe that world peace is possible. Without this belief I would tend towards fatalism and I wouldn't even try. The barriers to world peace are daunting, but I don't think they are insurmountable. Humans are good problem-solvers, and in fact I believe that this is the central driving force...
  13. S

    New to programming, which language is better?

    I've been at the programming game now for 25 years - and I'm only 36 for krysake! In that time I've had to flow with so many different kinds of programming that it makes my head spin. But during that time I've gained an appreciation for programming at the lowest and highest levels. But when it...
  14. S

    X11 running in background?

    Yes, you just have to change the Info.plist file inside the X11 application bundle. This tip at Mac OS X Hints has the information you need.
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    RE: max/minimizing windows

    Are you saying that the windows are moved up to the top of the screen and the window's title-bar (where the close, minimize, and resize buttons live) is stuck undereath the Menu Bar? (It's hard to understand what you're describing because your terminology is all wrong.) Menu Bar: Lives at...
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    From the terminal: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/mysql* And to get rid of the startup item, if you installed it: sudo rm -rf /Library/StartupItems/MySQL* And
  17. S

    Putting 'Computer' icon in Dock?

    Iconographer has the ability to place an icon on an item, and it seems to do it correctly. For copy/paste to work correctly the application implementing the copy part needs to correctly support transparency in clippings. Most apps don't.
  18. S

    Current Directory when running in PB

    Wouldn't you know it, here's one possible answer to my question. However, it states that the working directory will be Resources if using GLUT but the folder containing the application if using SDL. Yet, again, the SDL load-image function finds my files located in the Resources folder. I...
  19. S

    Current Directory when running in PB

    I guess I have to agree with you about not relying on the current directory. For an application bundle argv[0] should contain the path to "", right? The mechanistic way to find the Resources folder would be to append "Resources" after *.app. There's obviously a...
  20. S

    Current Directory when running in PB

    When I run my program in Project Builder the "current directory" seems to be different than when I launch my program from the Finder. Specifically, I've got a "data" folder which is copied into the Resources folder as part of the build process. When I run the program from Project Builder...