Search results

  1. putamare

    exit code? WTF??

    what are your current permissions for /bin/tcsh? "ls -l /bin/tcsh" From man: A login shell begins by executing commands from the system files /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login. It then executes commands from files in the user's home directory: first...
  2. putamare

    Increase Your Post Count TODAY!!

    bandwidth diarrhea
  3. putamare

    Dns setup

    You could set up your own DNS (instructions can be found in this thread ), or save yourself the hassle & use ZoneEdit. You can manage the DNS records for up to 5 domains for free through a convenient browser-based interface. I've been using them for about a year now & they are completely...
  4. putamare

    Updating to Mac OS X 10.1

    @ you can get it for $0.01 + $19.95 shipping here's a link OS X.1 upgrade Odds are you could probably find it at any online apple authorized reseller for a similar deal (I haven't bothered to look), and probably even get it for free at an Apple Store. And with the extra $80...
  5. putamare

    Retrospect 5 is out, and it's built for Mac OS X!

    But found it here. Apple Optical Storage Device Compatibility Retrospect 5.0 now supports most Apple CD-RW and DVD-RW storage devices. These devices are compatible with the Retrospect CD/DVD Backup Set type.
  6. putamare

    PHP/MySQL- Whaaaat ees eet mane?

    You can think of php as perl embedded in an html document so that when the server hits the php, it immediately translates the code into html, and doesn't have to send a request to an independent cgi file. ASP is kind of a kludge, using a system-scripting language to modify HTML-code as it is...
  7. putamare

    Retrospect 5 is out, and it's built for Mac OS X!

    I don't see the SuperDrive in their hardware compatibility list.
  8. putamare

    What's the plural of mouse??

    the plural of spouse is bigamy
  9. putamare

    What's the plural of mouse??

    The plural of walkman is not walkmen, more than one Bigfoot is not Bigfeet. The plural of index (as found in the back of books) is indexes, but the plural of index (as the little numbers hung onto variables) is indecies. The only thing "obvious" is that a case can be made for all the...
  10. putamare

    What's the plural of mouse??

    M$'s support of "mouse devices" only guarantees that "mouse devices" is the wrong choice, not that any other is correct. If we applied Ed's logic to browsers, IE would make Netscape Navigator the browser of choice.
  11. putamare

    How Apple SHOULD Do OS X Updates

    Adobe's way isn't that great: it forces the end user to retain 2 copies of the program. I'm not a packrat, just give me one install disk and let me throw away the other.
  12. putamare

    What's the plural of mouse??

    The Microsoft(R) Manual of Style for Technical Publications (ed. Amanda Clark, Microsoft Press, 1995, ISBN 1-55615-939-0) says: "Avoid using the plural mice; if you need to refer to more than one mouse, use mouse devices." While there are no words that could appropriately describe my general...
  13. putamare

    dumb question?

    Inside the folder of the uncompressed fink installer package you'll find a group of handy files called USAGE and USAGE.html, wherein lie the answers to your questions.
  14. putamare

    Apache and hosts.

    In /etc/httpd you will find the httpd.conf file. Go to the end of the file and add (see the commented out example for more options): [CODE] NameVirtualHost * Include /private/etc/httpd/users <VirtualHost _default_ > DocumentRoot /rootdirectoryofww ServerName
  15. putamare

    What Howto's are you looking for?

    using mac fonts while generating images with php
  16. putamare

    Shall we invite Mac haters?

    You can already find plenty of lively discussion here @ arstechnica. One of the things that makes this forum exceptional is its unusually high signal to noise ratio. Almost as many answers can be found on, but who has the time for a search on that slug (when it is up).
  17. putamare

    Shall we invite Mac haters?

    You can already find plenty of lively discussion here @ arstechnica. One of the things that makes this forum exceptional is its unusually high signal to noise ratio. Almost as many answers can be found on, but who has the time for a search on that slug (when it is up).
  18. putamare

    Apple Bug with InternetConfig for OS X

    isn't that a microsoft bug? after all, internet config is just doing what it is told to
  19. putamare

    Enkel Voor Nederlandstalige Mensen!

    the spacecake explains it all
  20. putamare

    I think I may switch to the Mac, but I have some questions...

    I've had X running on my beige pizzabox (512MB) since 10.0.1, mainly as a web/mail server, but I also upgraded the CD to one of the Pioneer A03's, and do network backups to DVD. I don't sit in front of the box all day, but do occasionally use the interface to install new software and try new...