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  1. DJ Dylan

    My Panther first Impressions and discoveries - Post here

    Everything I've read so far has really made me want, I just need to find 70 bucks so I can get it. Love student discounts!
  2. DJ Dylan

    Exposé Madness!!!

    So in other words, Expose does exactly what Windowshade X does? What's the difference between the two of them?
  3. DJ Dylan

    Great New York Times Article on Apple, Panther

    Its nice to see Apple getting some press.
  4. DJ Dylan

    Updated 10.2.8 Out Sometime Today

    Finally installed 10.2.8 . The best thing that is on it, for me atleast, is USB 2.0 support. Since im too poor to buy an IPod, ive got an Archos Jukebox 20 mp3 player.
  5. DJ Dylan

    Spolier! (Not really) 10.3 Intro Screen....

    Beat me to it by a couple days, but yes, it is Eple, by Royskopp. They are awesome.
  6. DJ Dylan

    Pics of the Virginia Tech Cluster!

    JESUS!!! That is absolutely insane. I couldnt even imagine the bill for keeping that thing up and running. So amazingly cool though.
  7. DJ Dylan

    Well, I seem to have a problem with my desktop.... I think

    Yeah. That was probably it. I just got the computer about 3 or 4 months, and am still kinda learning it I guess.
  8. DJ Dylan

    Well, I seem to have a problem with my desktop.... I think

    Any idea why it would just switch like that.
  9. DJ Dylan

    Well, I seem to have a problem with my desktop.... I think

    Wow, I love you. Thanks. I have no idea how that happened. I dont think ive ever even click on Universal Access before.
  10. DJ Dylan

    Well, I seem to have a problem with my desktop.... I think

    Well, for some reason today, all the colors on my screen have gone to shit. Everything looks like it does in a negative of a picture. I have absolutely no idea why this has happened, or what is causing it, or how to fix it....please help. I am running a Powerbook G4 on 10.2.6. HELP!!!!!!
  11. DJ Dylan

    12" PB Feedback

    I would SO buy one of those.
  12. DJ Dylan

    12" PB Feedback

    I love my 12" Powerbook. Its quite a beautiful computer. More then quick enough for what I need. And yes, an external monitor is a nice thing to have with it. I would definately recommend this computer to anyone, and actually have done so.
  13. DJ Dylan

    Paris Expo

    Apple announcing a new 12" Powerbook just agravates me, I JUST bought my 12" like 3 months ago!!!!
  14. DJ Dylan

    FireWire 2, USB 2 - When on Macintosh?

    Since I was a former PC user, I dont own any firewire devices. My mp3 player is USB2.0..... and thus I cannot use it on my brand new Powerbook G4, which is pretty agravating. I dont have the money to go out and spend 300+ dollars on another MP3 player like the I-Pod.
  15. DJ Dylan

    Will you stop sharing as a result of RIAA act?

    Well, I never shared in the first place. I guess you could call me an ass because of that.... but I just never cared enough to share my files.
  16. DJ Dylan

    Vanilla Sky

    Or you could watch the original. But yeah, Vanilla Sky is one of my favorite movies. Cameron Crowe did an AMAZING job. The soundtrack is also one of the best ones I've ever heard. The acting was superb, which is surprising from Tom Cruise, who I dont normally like much at all.
  17. DJ Dylan

    Anyone ever heard of an iClock?

    They look cool though