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    I installed Fink under root and.....

    Hydroglow, Please post the result of: [Hydroglows-Computer:/sw/fink] hydroglow# ll Which shell are you using? Cheers...
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    I installed Fink under root and.....

    Hydroglow, Hmm...short of deleting and installing again, maybe you can try to "chown hydroglow" for the entire /sw/fink directory. Or, you can try this: 1- Clean up your cvs with: cd /sw/fink sudo find . -name 'CVS' -type d -exec rm -rf {} \; (Then, when you run 'fink...
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    Finked up

    TommyWillB, 1-Problem step 3: Most surely, your developer tools are too old. Make sure you have the "July" 2002 dev tools and also the "August" update installed. If you think you already installed them, reinstall them. 2-Problem step 5a and 5b (together): Open
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    Finked up

    iGuy, The Fink 0.4.1 binary installer is "only" for MacOS X 10.1 users. You don't need it. If you want to install Fink in MacOS X 10.2 (Jaguar) you must follow the instructions here: Cheers...
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    Finked up

    iGuy, If you want to install Fink from scratch in 10.2 follow the instructions here: Or if you have a previous Fink installation and want to 'upgrade' Fink for 10.2 follow the instructions here...
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    help with imapd

    griffitts, Maybe this article about installing postfix will help you: Cheers...
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    TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable.

    holmBrew, There is a typo in /usr/share/tcsh/examples/aliases. Change the line that says: if ("$TERM_PROGRAM" == "Apple_Terminal") then to: if ("$?TERM_PROGRAM" == "Apple_Terminal") then Cheers...
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    Fubar Terminal after upgrade

    holmBrew, Welcome to Darwin! TERM_PROGRAM: Undefined variable. There is a typo in /usr/share/tcsh/examples/aliases. Change the line that says: if ("$TERM_PROGRAM" == "Apple_Terminal") then to: if ("$?TERM_PROGRAM" == "Apple_Terminal") then Cheers...
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    X on 10.2

    karavite, Your package manager and distribution are quite old. See if you can run: 'fink selfupdate-cvs' If it doesn't work, then in your case I would choose between two things: Wait till the Fink update for 10.2 comes out soon. or If you don't mind testing around...
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    X on 10.2

    Hi karavite, Do you have any working fink command? 'fink --version' works? Broke your symlink, did you have /sw in another partition? Anyhow if is any consolation, many things are breaking everywhere with 10.2. It will take some time to sort everything out again. The...
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    X on 10.2

    Have you installed XFree86 with Fink? If you did, please tell me what is says when you run: fink list --section=x11-system Cheers...
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    Help, my man pages don't work!

    Yikes! I didn't realize you're using Jaguar. Of course. $ man -C man: illegal option -- C man, version 1.1 Unssuported. :) Try again uncommenting fink path in the .cshrc file, just to see if you get man back. Cheers...
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    Help, my man pages don't work!

    You have Fink installed. If you run: % which man It will tell you: /sw/bin/man In this case, either comment out in your .cshrc file # /sw/bin/init.csh or check again your MANPATH. I'm using Fink also and my MANPATH looks as follows: 151 [Sao @/Users/pm] %...
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    Terminal Terminology Help, Please

    shatfield1529, I found out that the 'pmccann' script also works well if you just change the output file of iTunes3 to the name 'Library.export' as it is called originally in the script. And it also works with the original chunks of info numbers: my...
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    Bash prompt and /etc/profile

    You can also install Bash with Fink. Cheers...
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    WTF is up with fink?

    Da'iMacDaddy, Would you like some help on learning how to use Fink, and installing Xfree86 and XDarwin? It will be a long road, but I can slowly guide you when you want. Or if it is too much, maybe you could try with FinkCommander. It works very well and is quite simple to use. You...
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    Wow, it's nice to see so many big smilies. It's contagious !! :D :D :D Cheers...
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    WTF is up with fink?

    karavite, Thanks for your helpful input. It is very positive, and reassures me in my effort at making a "Fink Beginners Guide". Most of the points you raised I have already included them, but I thank you a lot for your feedback. Let me explain to you a little bit. Before MacOS X...
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    WTF is up with fink?

    Da'iMacDaddy, You sound very confused...indeed! By now, everybody knows you are a unix newbie. But, you are not the only one. And when it comes to Fink, my advice is the following: The key to success with fink is through your own sweat (which means studying to understand what's...
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    Problems installing Mozilla

    Hydroglow, Thanks for the information. It looks you have installed XFree86 manually, so you need to do one of this two possibilities: 1. Install system-xfree86-4.2-1: Placeholder package for manually installed XFree86. (Install this package if you have XFree86 4.2.0 installed...