X on 10.2


Though I'm not surprised, my X install doesn't seem to run on 10.2. I can launch XDarwin full screen and it does start up, but windows do not respond to clicks and then the whole thing just closes - no error messages or anything. I am running XDarwin 1.06.

Any ideas on how I can get my XWindows back?
Have you installed XFree86 with Fink?

If you did, please tell me what is says when you run:

fink list --section=x11-system

Hi sao, Yes I did install with fink in 10.1.3 I think.

Here is what happened?

[dekes-Computer:~] deke% fink list --section=x11-system
Unknown option: section
fink: unknown option
Type 'fink --help' for more information.
[dekes-Computer:~] deke%

Doesn't look good!

Thanks and thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Hi karavite,

Do you have any working fink command?

'fink --version' works?

Broke your symlink, did you have /sw in another partition?

Anyhow if is any consolation, many things are breaking everywhere with 10.2. It will take some time to sort everything out again.

The xfree86-base 4.2.0-12 package in unstable builds properly on Jaguar, and enables code that only works under Jaguar (SHM being the most notable)

Also, the xfree86 build is now splitoffized, so to get xfree86-base and xfree86-rootless, you only need to build once.

In case you need to reinstall, the fink developers are preparing a fink upgrade, if you can wait a little bit.

Hey sao,

I do get something:

[dekes-Computer:~] deke% fink --version
Package manager version: 0.9.7
Distribution version: 0.3.2a
[dekes-Computer:~] deke%

Everything is on the same parttition it was on 10.1.5 - all the same partition. It's really no big deal and I can wait for the fink upgrade, but it would be nice. Would you recommend starting from scratch - wipe out my /sw and reinstall? Or should I be patient (this is tough for me)?


Your package manager and distribution are quite old.
152 [Sao @/Users/pm] % fink --version
Package manager version: 0.10.0
Distribution version: 0.4.0.cvs

See if you can run:

'fink selfupdate-cvs'

If it doesn't work, then in your case I would choose between two things:

Wait till the Fink update for 10.2 comes out soon.


If you don't mind testing around, delete Fink and Xfree86 and reinstall the whole enchilada again with the latest packages from unstable. They are the ones who work in Jaguar at the moment.

If you choose the second way, you can do as follow:

Delete XFree86 and the XDarwin application:

sudo rm -rf /usr/X11R6 /etc/X11 /Applications/XDarwin.app

Delete the Fink installation:

sudo rm -rf /sw

Download and install the latest Fink 0.4.0a Binary Installer from here:


Once fink is installed, configure it to run unstable by editing:


add 'unstable/main' and 'unstable/crypto' to the beginning of the Trees: line, and then run the command 'fink index'.

Then set your PATH environment variable in the .cshrc file:

source /sw/bin/init.csh

Then run in terminal:

'fink selupdate-cvs'

and after do:

'fink install xfree86-base'

(make sure you installed 'xfree86-base/xfree86-rootless' version 4.2.0-12 in unstable that builds in Jaguar (contains Xfree86 and the XDarwin app)

'rehash' and install a window manager:

'fink install windowmaker'


Write your ~/.xinitrc file.

Finally, double click the XDarwin application and test...(cross your fingers).

Let me know.

Anyhow, when they come with the 10.2 update, that's what I'm going to do also. And compile everything again. Wow!


PS: Be sure to have the new Jaguar Developer Tools installed.
sao - thanks very much.

fink selfupdate-cvs
seems to hang on one file:

I get this:

curl -f -L -O ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/bzip2/v102/bzip2-1.0.2.tar.gz
curl: (10) the username and/or the password are incorrect
### execution of curl failed, exit code 10
Downloading the file "bzip2-1.0.2.tar.gz" failed.

(1) Give up
(2) Retry

How do you want to proceed? [2] 1
Failed: file download failed for bzip2-1.0.2.tar.gz of package bzip2-1.0.2-1

Is this just a server issue - shoudl I just keep on trying later in the day or something? CVS said I don't need a password and I chose the anonymous source forge option (I think I have a password around here somewhere though - seem to recall an old email about it).
Hey sao - never mind. It worked just fine and I am up and running (I guess it was a server issue for that file).

Any way, I don't know why, but I was always chicken to use CVS and the unstable version. That is why I haven't updated it for so long (what a dork I am). I still don't completely understand the upgrade procedure or differences, but I have to learn to not be so chicken of loosing my stable X install! Although I am teaching myself some shell scripting, *nix commands and stuff like that, my main interest is in all those funky *nix window manager UIs - I work as a usability specialist and there are so many great ideas out there - if only someone could put them all together (I suppose they did this in a way with *nix ).

Thanks again for all your help!