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  1. F

    Screen with text comes up when booting up (similar to a DOS screen)

    P.S. As clarification, the QuickSilver model was G4. I'm pretty sure that there never was a G5 QuickSilver. If your friend is under the impression that there was, download MacTracker from and check out the "Power Mac G3/G4/G5" section
  2. F

    Screen with text comes up when booting up (similar to a DOS screen)

    Yes. Zapping the pram is what I suggested. I haven't seen a machine boot into open firmware when a firmware update was interrupted. Doesn't mean it won't, just that I haven't seen it do that. There was no indication in your initial post of this thread that firmware update was interrupted. If...
  3. F

    Connecting to remove server using MySQL

    Always try going to the source (in this case, first. If you want to check out the available 3rd party software, there's also and Do a search for mysql at either site and you...
  4. F

    Help! My firmware update failed.

    First things first. Did you check to see if your hard drive is in good health? Boot into single user mode. Hold down command-s keys during bootup. You'll see a black screen with white type. Wait for it to stop scrolling. It will present you with the prompt that looks like this: localhost:/...
  5. F

    Screen with text comes up when booting up (similar to a DOS screen)

    The machine is booting into open firmware. It had to have been intentionally set up to do this (unless by some weird chance the machine's keyboard is sending the command-option-o-f key combo during the boot process. unlikely). Try zapping the pram. Start the machine and immediately hold down...
  6. F

    Cannot install Office 2004 on OSX 10.4.9... Need Help!

    If the machine came with the Office demo, then the demo has to be deinstalled prior to installing the licensed version. I think there were some docs to that effect at one point...
  7. F

    What will happen when I update to Leopard?

    Discounts happen though. If you are a Student, Faculty, or staff of a school or college then there is a discount for you. If you look long and hard, you may find some vendors offering at a slight discount. If you are in no particular hurry, some vendors offer somewhat more discounts a few months...
  8. F

    jobs in print queue won't delete

    Is there a good reason to leave student accounts on the machine? A logout hook could just remove the user's home folder (which would presumably remove their print jobs) What happened to the person that manages your mac images? You can add usernames to the local admin group if you need to. It...
  9. F

    Enable Finder to "Send (attachments) to" Entourage

    Theoretically (at least it works this way with Apple's you can just drag the file to the Entourage icon in the dock and a new message will be created with the attachment. No?
  10. F

    Can't connect to internet/captive portal Apparently, deleting /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ will reset the list. I do not know if that will resolve your specific issue, but it's a good place to start. I hope it works. :)
  11. F

    Finding and replacing a single character in 450k files.

    There are quite a few GUI tools for this. I have recently examined a couple. Cost money= NameCleaner, A Better Finder Rename,.. Free = FileNeuter FileNeuter is an AppleScript droplet. Drag a folder to the droplet and it will find and rename all files with Windows reserved characters in their...
  12. F

    Teaching an old dog new tricks

    Hahhah! You are not alone.
  13. F

    simultaneous account settings

    Do you use fast user switching, or do you log out of one account, then into the other... If you regularly log out of one account, then log into the other, you could use a login hook to basically do this: If the logging in user is <the non-net user> then turn off wireless, change privileges on...
  14. F

    I really need help bad!

    See if you can locate a bootable OS 9 install CD, or external firewire (if the machine supports firewire, that is) hard drive with a bootable OS 9 install on it. You probably cannot proceed without one. If the install CD is all you can come up with, then instal OS 9 on the hard drive and then...
  15. F

    Can't Login - Login Window Offscreen..?

    If the other Mac has the same OS version (or newer), then boot the powerbook into target disk mode and connect it via firewire cable to the other machine. On the other machine, run Disk Utility on the powerbook's drive. Only do this if the other machine has the same or newer OS version. After...
  16. F

    error in script

    I generally save my scripts-in-development in my home folder. Once I know they are running as expected, then I move them to a more logical place. I personally like the idea of /usr/local/sbin for my stuff. Others may provide guidance on this as well... There have been many debates as to which...
  17. F

    error in script

    Well, you are ahead of me with awk (believe it or not, I've been scripting for a few years) and making great progress, as far as I can tell. Just remember, the man command is your friend. :) You may find that writing these routines to .bashrc is not an effective solution long term. Eventually...
  18. F

    error in script

    ah! Change the {print} part to read {print $1} man awk, indeed. Troubleshooting: I ran this: ps -xc | grep -i textedit | awk '{print}' at the command line and saw this: 2134 ?? S 0:00.16 TextEdit ergo, awk returns the full line of text. Looking at the man page about awk, I found an...
  19. F

    error in script

    Looks like you want to get the pid of the passed app name. awk is returning the entire line. I'm pretty sure you can tell awk to get just the first "word" of the returned line of text. I'm not an awk user, so uh,.. man awk?