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    10.2.1 - can't open 'disk copy' utility any more.

    That's really irritating that the receipts thing doesn't work anymore... Versiontracker has a link to a 10.2.1 .dmg for d/l. I would try that before a complete re-install. Otherwise... -alex.
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    10.2.1 - can't open 'disk copy' utility any more.

    I would recommend that you open your /Library/Receipts directory and remove the file: MacOSXUpdate10.2.1.pkg, then run software update again, see if that takes care of it. If not, try running Norton or at least Disk Utility to check for problems on your system drive (in fact, this is a good idea...
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    iTunes and multiple accounts

    Better still, you could create an "mp3" group, and grant that group read, write and execute permissions. Creating the group is pretty easy in Netinfo Manager (located in the Utilities folder). Open the app, authenticate yourself (click the lock) then click on groups. You'll see that each...
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    Memory and Os 10.2

    A slight clarification: Jaguar adds compression to the window bitmaps to decrease memory usage, this is true for Quartz _and_ QuartzGL (ok, ok, Quartz Extreme... feh). So in that sense, it's not "every single pixel" in every window. (Although, in 10.0 - 10.1.5......) -alex
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    odd Photoshop problem

    The fact that the file vanishes on reboot is a good clue to its location; it is standard UNIX behavior to blow out the contents of /tmp on restart (it's actually part of the boot procedure). After starting PS7.0 and opening a file, a quick look in the Terminal shows a file at...
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    Dot Matrix printing in OSX

    Another hearty cheer for CUPS from me. I've been using it on a NetBSD PC to print to a LaserJet4 for some time (and from mac, UNIX, and windows clients, I might add). A quick search on google shows plenty of people who have used it for various dot matrix printers. For more info about CUPS and...
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    iTunes vs. LAME Encoding

    I went through the same thing (encoded everything in itunes, the found out about LAME). First off, let me say that in audio, your ears are king. If iTunes 192K sounds good enough to your ears on your system, then don't let anybody tell you different. That being said... in my experience...
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    New Power Mac G4 systems to be unveiled tomorrow with speeds up to 1.25GHz

    Who cares about the 0.25GHz?? Give us decent memory bandwidth, for the love of god!!!! -alex.
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    apple flat screen on PC?

    I would have thought that you could do this, using the DVIator from Dr. Bott. But according to the info on the product page you need firmware/driver support on the video card side to drive an ADC monitor. Still, it may be worth an inquiry to Dr. Bott. Hope this helps... -alex.
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    why doesn't apple just use the power4 ?

    The point about whopping cache => performance is well taken, but I think it's a open question. I don't know how well a Power4 with, say, 3MB of L3 cache would perform (certainly not as well as with 32MB) but that's a question for the Apple and IBM engineers, not a bunch of schmoes on some...
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    why doesn't apple just use the power4 ?

    I'm surprised that so many are so quick to dismiss the power4. First off, a huge part of the cost of the chips that you see in IBM's big/medium iron is the staggering 32MB(!) L3 cache, this is not something you would see on consumer level machines, so the cost would be signifigantly reduced...
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    authentification for NFS mounts

    This is actually something that pisses me off about OSX. In other BSDs, you can have a "mapall" directive in your /etc/exports, so that all remote users are mapped to a certain UID on the server (this is very similar to the "maproot" option, which OSX does have). This is the right way to solve...
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    java or objective c?

    I may be wrong here, but... It is my understanding that, while what most people think of as "java" is an interpreted language ("cross platform" and run in a VM). java can also be compiled, yielding machine code like any other compiled program. The real question is whether the cocoa...
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    Sony SLAMS Microsoft by lowering the price of PS2!

    BlingBling 3k12, You can check and for confirmation of the XBOX price drop. It has been the hot rumor in the industry for a week or two. My guess is that Sony decided to steal M$'s thunder (once Sony realized the XBOX price drop was a done deal come...
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    Sony SLAMS Microsoft by lowering the price of PS2!

    well, I respect the "No M$ anywhere" position. But what if you really want to play games from Bungie? It's either the XBOX or the PC, and either way, if you don't like M$, you're SOL. Besides that, Sony is at least as scary as M$. Think about it: in music, and to a lesser degree film and TV...
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    Sony SLAMS Microsoft by lowering the price of PS2!

    BlingBling 3k12, You can check and for confirmation of the XBOX price drop. It has been the hot rumor in the industry for a week or two. My guess is that Sony decided to steal M$'s thunder (once Sony realized the XBOX price drop was a done deal come...
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    Magic: The Gathering

    ...that's pretty much all I have to say. -alex.
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    FreeBSD ports tree on Mac OS X?

    The closest analog to the FreeBSD ports tree would be fink. There has also been work to port the NetBSD package system (very similar to ports) to Mac OS X. It works, but it's not really ready for prime time (too few packages yet). Hope this helps... -alex.
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    HAHAHA! "Gnu" jokes hidden in Mac OS X's UNIX underpinnings!

    Don't forget: Escape Meta Alt Control Shift EMACS- nearly three decades of RSIs! Long live vi!! -alex.
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    Poll: What's the best E-Mail client?

    ya know, I've been through every graphical mail client on this poll as well as a few others, and I keep coming back to pine over ssh. Am I the only one?? -alex.