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  1. arri

    pb g4 backlight control??

    hi does anyone know something about how/where the backlight controlled on a pb g4 dvi? the backlight wont come on anymore on an old pb i have. backlight itsself seem to be fine, also the inverterboard seems to work. i've tested this with two and a half other powerbooks i have around for...
  2. arri

    HOWTO run command as root without password??

    thanks for you answers, but i should have been a bit more specific.. sudo -s / sudo bash would be answers, but what i really wanted to know, is if there's ways, perhaps using a script, or twiddling with users/groups etc.. so that a non-root user can run a specific command as root..without the...
  3. arri

    HOWTO run command as root without password??

    hi is it possible, and if yes, how; to run a command that requires root privileges without having to type the password each time? thanks
  4. arri

    reverse tunneling problem..

    i just found that this last problem is related to my server-config. since that's a debian machine, and this an osx-forum, i wont bother you anymore.. :) thanks.
  5. arri

    reverse tunneling problem..

    ok, great. i start to get it now.. appearantly i was doing things the wrong way around. i have it -sort of- working using the tunneling-command like this: ssh -nNT -R 2222: when, on the machine creating the tunnel, run netcat -lp 3333 and then from another machine...
  6. arri

    horizontal scan rate and vertical synchronization rate for MacBook 13" monitor and there's another too, but i forgot. they will give you lots of info..and the power to tweak..
  7. arri

    reverse tunneling problem..

    hoi! i'm trying to setup a reversed ssh-tunnel from my powerbook to my server, using the following command: ssh -nNT -R 8013:localhost:4321 the command executes, prompts for my password, and then waits.. so it seems to be setup..but then when i login on the server, to see...
  8. arri

    Dual Monitors on the MacBook Pro

    i've used the tripplehead2go succesfully on a PBG4(alu), G5 (dual 5200fx) and macbook PRO. i did't try-out all resolutions, because i only needed 800x600, so ran on a total resolution of 2400x600. the box supports up to 3 times 1280x1024 and ofcourse the size of the screens is not important...
  9. arri

    Dual Monitors on the MacBook Pro

    maybe i don't really get the point here.. as ora pointed-out there IS dual (external) monitor support, even TRIPPLE monitor support. (pic) the only problem with the matrox solution is that it's VGA, not DVI, and that all 3 connected screens have to run the same resolution. but it's a...
  10. arri

    How i keep my video configuration ?

    you're probably using some kind of older screen connecting throught a VGA connector? otherwise all available options should show.. there are some tools around for modifying the screen-presets beyond what OSX lets you do. one of them is "DisplayConfigX".. the other i forgot... (ps. ..but don't...
  11. arri

    terminal help

    i guess it altered some terminal-preference to run a certain script or open a .term file every time you open a new terminal window?
  12. arri

    redirecting stdout and stderr to /dev/null ??

    ah.. that's really stupid of me :) ofcourse i'm using curl myself... wow..bummer.. so this 'kind of' works: #!/bin/sh mpg123 -qr 44100 & > /dev/null 2>&1 oldrespons="ouwe zooi" while [ 1 ] do respons=$(curl -s
  13. arri

    redirecting stdout and stderr to /dev/null ??

    i'm trying to make a script that starts mpg123 with my favorite radiostation, and displays info about the currently playing track. i succeeded so far, except for one problem; i don't manage to make to script silent, and only output the track-info. instead, on each loop, it outputs...
  14. arri

    Built-in audio 24 or 16 bit?

    any good software will (should?) retrieve this information from the system itsself, and present you the options.
  15. arri

    Replacing keyboard HELP

    you don't need to persee replace the keyboard... someone once spilled almost a full beer over my powerbook. i immediately put it upside-down and pulled all plugs and batteries from the machine. then i removed the keyboard, and suspended in a warm water and rinsed/washed it throughly, left it...
  16. arri

    harddisk failure help

    hoi! my little used powerbook harddisk just stop working over night. i put my powerbook to sleep, went to sleep myself, and next morning the pb woke-up, but instantly froze. after i restarted the machine, the only sound from the HD was the spinning of the platters, nothing else and the 'no...
  17. arri

    Dead Powerbook G4 Logic Board

    i talked a friend of mine who's a proffesional musician into switching to Mac, and he's a very happy man now. he's using logic and ableton live all the time on his macbook.
  18. arri

    is someone/-thing trying to hack my machine?

    btw; could it be that i'm only looking at tcp-packets, while the initial client-request uses another protocol? here's a sample from the server-log 22:02:06.562 OSXvnc-server[1901] Client gone 22:02:06.591 OSXvnc-server[1901] Waiting for clients 22:02:06.832 OSXvnc-server[1901] Protocol version...
  19. arri

    is someone/-thing trying to hack my machine?

    can you elaborate? the VNCserver is just configured to listen for connections on poort 5900. nothing else. and it requires a password from client to connect. so if no-one/nothing is trying to get 'unauthorized access', what's going on then? is my grandmother trying to phone me?