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  1. C

    Even root can't delete this file...

    This issue does not affect only printers, the printer stuff is only one out of a few symptoms of this problem. Another one is : Unable to add/delete files from the Applications folder. you may check those symptoms, and use the utility provided.
  2. C

    Even root can't delete this file...

    You may be a victim of the privilege issue that appeared with 10.1.5 update. This problem is well known on Apple's knowledge base, article 106726. Try to use the "Repair Privileges" utility provided from this page, then remove your file again, I can't help you more.
  3. C

    windows games, linux, emulation

    Well, you have to implement x86 emulation directly in WINE... It's feasible but quite hard work. :rolleyes:
  4. C

    Playing a QuickTime Movie in Cocoa

    Of course NSMovieView don't do much things (it's limited to play:, stop:, setMovie:, etc... But you can access the full QuickTime API using the movieController method (see NSMovieView and QuickTime API references in the Developer docs for details. I also suggest you take a look at the...
  5. C

    converting Windows ScreenSavers to Mac OS X screensavers

    You have to use Carbon or Cocoa. Your source may start with a #include <windows.h> or something else (I don't know about windows's headers). You should look the Carbon or Cocoa documentations about screensavers in /Developer/Documentation. Good luck
  6. C


    Do you have any result for cc ? If you have, the cc compiler you found is simply a renamed gcc.
  7. C

    Ada compiler for OSX

    There is a compiler for Ada at
  8. C

    When Is DC really coming?

    If anyone had got to version tracker, he'd seen that a Java client for DC is available from sourceforge dot net. Java Direct Connect Have a happy download everybody!:D
  9. C

    Playing and recoding audio files...

    HAL means Hardware Abstraction Layer. It's the lowest level of the audio system. see the exemples in the /Developer/Examples/CoreAudio folder for info
  10. C

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    In fact, this issue has been 'tested and approved' with EVERY compilers available for Windoze, this code work on any platform but Winsuck, it's a Windows issue...
  11. C

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    Ada ? Archaic ? it is only used by Ariannespace for their rockets!
  12. C

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    Well, cannot tell all, you just let us choose in a small list. I know ObJC, Java, C, Ada, Pascal, PHP... At my university, we even learn everything needed to create new languages (a friend of mine started to work on a project named C*.
  13. C

    Playing and recoding audio files...

    the quicktime API seems the best way 4 audio and/or video. For audio, you can directly call HAL's prototypes in your carbon programs.
  14. C

    C++ on Mac

    A good place for tutorials is O'Reilly network. They have everything on OSX development. or, more direct link :
  15. C

    learning C

    gcc isn't installed by default, u need to get the developper tools which installs it, or maybe get it from the GCC website.
  16. C


    don't work
  17. C

    Print center error

    I have an error while trying to add a printer. PrintCenter doesn't want to do anything. I tried to reinstall the driver but nothing does (it used to work well in the past). Oooops ! I had the answer @ apple's knowledge base doc 106726 :
  18. C

    PPP autoreconnect

    Hi everyone ! I'd like to make a shell script that launch automatically on PPP disconnect, that reconnect and launch nat sharing (i know how to do that stuff). Anyone can help? :confused:
  19. C

    JNI & Cocoa

    If you still want to use Cocoa API with your Java apps, you have to import cocoa.AppKit and cocoa.fundations (the import method)
  20. C

    JNI & Cocoa

    Java has been made for portability, that means a Java app can work on any computer and that's why you MUSN'T use elements of the Cocoa API with your Java apps. Therefor, Cocoa API includes Java, so you can build your Cocoa apps in Java:-)