

When I try to run gcc in the terminal it says it can't locate it and suggests cc instead. I have already installed the Dev. Tools so that shouldn't be the problem ... can anyone help me out?
echo $path and see if /usr/bin is included, also check in /usr/bin so that you see that gcc really is there.
It's not there how would i go about installing it?
I thought it was installed when you installed the Dev. Tools ?
Hm.. weird, it should be there. Did you install on the same partition as your system ?
Try to install it again.
I'm sure that you _could_ install it by dragging it manually from the CD.
(I don't have the CD here right now) but it's probably stored in some compressed format on the CD. And I'm sure that you'd have to install a lot of libraries and other stuff to make it work, so i don't think it's as easy as dragging "gcc" to /usr/bin

Weird that you can't install the "normal" way.

make a ' sudo find / -name "gcc" ' to see if it's located some other place



my results of the find command
Here is my result:

For some reason you seem to miss the /usr/bin , can't help you here, i'm confused too.

I think i would re-install X and go from there.

You could try the "Repair privileges" in Disk Tool, but I really can't say if this would help.
Do you have any result for cc ?

If you have, the cc compiler you found is simply a renamed gcc.