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  1. Ralph J.

    Who else is goofing off this afternoon?

    i can say that little to no work is getting done in my shop this afternoon. what's going on at your places of employment? parties? exchanging gifts? all-purpose goofing off?
  2. Ralph J.

    10.1.2 Released

    mine says 1.7 as well.
  3. Ralph J.

    10.1.2 Released

    yeah, i noticed an improvement in boot-up time as well.
  4. Ralph J.

    10.1.2 Released

    hmmmm...seems snappier. classic launches faster now. what else is new or changed? post your observations to this thread. edit: i've noticed there's now more options in the contextual menus for the finder, mail and stickies.
  5. Ralph J.

    Monitor Resolution setting?

    while booted into OS9, goto.. /Library/Preferences delete reboot back to OSX and it will drop back to the default monitor resolution.
  6. Ralph J.

    Do you iPod? (do you yahoo, got it?)

    if only i had the cash, i'd be listening to one right now.
  7. Ralph J.

    for solrac - what is your default boot system?

    @work: OSX with classic. occasionally forced back to 9.2. @home: OSX 24/7
  8. Ralph J.

    What do you do for a living?

    Art Director for a mid-size commercial printer. And PROUDLY using OSX full-time (with a little help from the Classic layer, of course)
  9. Ralph J.

    Enable Classic Window Buffering

    just found this sweet little hack over at it's awesome. from macosxhints.... --------------- Andrew Welch of Ambrosia Software, who posted a patch which enables window buffer compression, has done it again. This time, however, he's applied a similar patch to the Classic...
  10. Ralph J.

    Post your REAL desktop!

    excuse the poor quality of the pic. it's a frame grab from my DV Camera.
  11. Ralph J.

    fps in full screen mode with itunes

    I get 13-15 fps running iTunes 2.0f13 on a G4 400, 256mg RAM, OSX 10.1
  12. Ralph J.

    iTunes 2 CPU usage

    I've been testing iTunes2 (v2.0f13) on a G3 450 and a G4 400. On both machines CPU usage runs somewhere between 15% to 25%. This is about the same performance as I get running iTunes1. The code on this build may not be fully optimized, and it's likely that the final shipping version will run...
  13. Ralph J.

    Who's Connected

    fire up the terminal and type... last | grep still
  14. Ralph J.

    What's up with Mail app? Keep on getting same emails...

    From the X4U mailing list, it appears there's a bug in in 10.1 that only affects some users who run with no rules enabled. In some circumstances, will not delete the messages on the server, leading to repetitive downloads of the same email over and over (even those...