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  1. Greystroke

    New "Hard Drive Update" in System Update

    I don't know but I haven't done it's been sitting there for about a weel now...
  2. Greystroke

    Main system

    right now it's jaguar, but hopefully if i can find one of these beta's floating around somewhere i'll install it on my old imac or on my other HD...
  3. Greystroke

    Toshiba offers 17" Notebook

    He also looks quite a bit smaller next to it too! ;)
  4. Greystroke

    How many Mhzs, MBs and GBs do you have?

    1) Quicksilver 867mhz, 180 gig, 1024 mb 2) iMac, not sure...
  5. Greystroke

    Panther Preview Release?

    as in panther will most likely be coming after the G5's are up for sale?
  6. Greystroke

    Safari v1

    oh how i wish i was home :(
  7. Greystroke

    Apple just doesn't get it.

    ont hat note which i will most likely purchase at a lower cost
  8. Greystroke

    Am I a Traitor? I own an XBox now...

    supposedly i believe, i guess the best people to ask would be an Xbox guy though. I don't currently have LIVE (and I'm still iffy on whether i will ever get it) but I o believe that microsoft is the keeper of the servers. LIVE 2.0 is also coming out 'sometime this year' which should drastically...
  9. Greystroke

    For those who care Diablo LOD 1.10 Chat Transcript

    taken from Q: Will there be any new features added to the chat gem, or are you still satisfied with the way it works? Blizzard: The Gem is perfect. Your first question has been squandered. Diablo is unpleased and his red anger has been raised. Q: How will the ladder...
  10. Greystroke

    Apple Store shows a G5 ad

    just took a look myself and there is no G5 specs must have been taken down [edit] and now it says updating...
  11. Greystroke

    Fun in a box

    if you live in provo, then where is 6000 miles away? hawaii? oh and labeling stuff is always fun to do with a label maker. Either that or typing out phrases and then sticking them everywhere....
  12. Greystroke

    The Ring...

    Seen it twice. I must say it did scare me, but there were also a lot of predictable parts and some parts also made me laugh (like when the horse fell off the ferry) For like a week afterwards me and the dude that went to see would call eachothers cell phones with our caller ID blocked and say...
  13. Greystroke

    Apple Berlin invitation

    according to that other thread up there i don't the germans will really have to wait....they already opened the boxes...
  14. Greystroke

    Germans opened boxes

    yeah no kidding....leave it to the germans...not only are they risking their jobs but a suit against them too i'm sure. either if this pans out to be true these sound like some radically new machines. i'm excited :)
  15. Greystroke

    Maine Laptop program considered a success

    yeah guees i didin't see it...
  16. Greystroke

    Maine Laptop program considered a success

    Just in cse you haven't heard.... I sure wish I had this kind of opportunity in my school. It's good to see that it was a success a they want to expand the program... Let's hope Apple can maintain the education market...
  17. Greystroke

    There is an OS poll here...

    sitting at 881 votes...16%
  18. Greystroke

    Warcraft III: improve graphics/speed?

    I'm thinking the guys over at Blizzard really haven't quite got OSX down yet... I really can think of no other explanation
  19. Greystroke

    Good video cards?

    sorry man it says it right there on Apple's Support page that the 867 has an L3 cache... the 733's released in January of 01 had an L3 cache but those released in August did least from reding that's what i've gathered...